Monday, January 26, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
...Written by Tijjani Muhammad Musa
By the late 80s, when Lagos could boast of several FM radio stations owned by both the public and private individuals and organizations, the north had no operators airing programs on the much clearer and stronger FM radio band. Not until Radio Kano II FM started test transmission on 89.3 in 1986.
By 1989 when the station was formally commissioned, it was the first FM station north of the country. Being a new thing and populated by veteran broadcasters like Suleiman Usman Hadejia, Brother Joe, Adeshina Sulaiman, Faika El-Rahi, Abdullah Tanko Bala and others, they injected wisdom and guidance into the greenhorns on the scene.
Young, talented male and female radio presenters such as Baba Ahmed Ibrahim (late), Tijjani Muhammad Musa, Andy Isabu, Suraj Muhammad Inusa, Big Brown King, Ene Onyilo, Maryam Zakari, Oji Onazi, Sani Usman Gambit (late), Iyene Ibanga, Ahmed Suleiman and Elsie Smart to name a few provided vibrancy, freshness and creativity to the take off.
While Disk Jockeys (Djs) in the likes of Nurudeen Hussein, Joshua Menasey, Olu Dynamite and many others were on board with party-time jams and mixes, which could often be the starter for any event that was scheduled to last way into the night in the old ancient city of Kano then.
Together, these radio presenters, on-air personalities and Djs collectively took Kano and environs by storm and charted the course of FM radio programming and presentation under the first ever Head of Programs of this innovative medium in the person Mustapha Zaharadeen.
To read more... http://goo.gl/5KD4lr
By the late 80s, when Lagos could boast of several FM radio stations owned by both the public and private individuals and organizations, the north had no operators airing programs on the much clearer and stronger FM radio band. Not until Radio Kano II FM started test transmission on 89.3 in 1986.
By 1989 when the station was formally commissioned, it was the first FM station north of the country. Being a new thing and populated by veteran broadcasters like Suleiman Usman Hadejia, Brother Joe, Adeshina Sulaiman, Faika El-Rahi, Abdullah Tanko Bala and others, they injected wisdom and guidance into the greenhorns on the scene.
Young, talented male and female radio presenters such as Baba Ahmed Ibrahim (late), Tijjani Muhammad Musa, Andy Isabu, Suraj Muhammad Inusa, Big Brown King, Ene Onyilo, Maryam Zakari, Oji Onazi, Sani Usman Gambit (late), Iyene Ibanga, Ahmed Suleiman and Elsie Smart to name a few provided vibrancy, freshness and creativity to the take off.
While Disk Jockeys (Djs) in the likes of Nurudeen Hussein, Joshua Menasey, Olu Dynamite and many others were on board with party-time jams and mixes, which could often be the starter for any event that was scheduled to last way into the night in the old ancient city of Kano then.
Together, these radio presenters, on-air personalities and Djs collectively took Kano and environs by storm and charted the course of FM radio programming and presentation under the first ever Head of Programs of this innovative medium in the person Mustapha Zaharadeen.
To read more... http://goo.gl/5KD4lr
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
...by Poetic Tee, "Here, take a sip"
Where does true love live, in a heart?
How long lasts a moment, for aye?
She breaks free of forgotten
Breathing on memories
Yet, lead by some feel
A bee zones home
On a rose's
Soul to
(c)2014 tijjani m. m.
all rights reserved
Where does true love live, in a heart?
How long lasts a moment, for aye?
She breaks free of forgotten
Breathing on memories
Yet, lead by some feel
A bee zones home
On a rose's
Soul to
(c)2014 tijjani m. m.
all rights reserved
A Cinquain is a short non-rhyming poem of 5 lines developed by Adalaide Crapsey. Note that it is pronounced “sin-cane,” not “sin-kwane”. This class of poetic forms is very popular because of it’s obvious simplicity.
It follows one of three formats:
Line 1: One word
Line 2: Two words
Line 3: Three words
Line 4: Four words
Line 5: One word
Vote blindly
When discretion begs
Sound minds to reason
Line 1: A noun
Line 2: Two adjectives
Line 3: Three -ing words
Line 4: A phrase
Line 5: Another word for the noun
Close, far-flung
Awakening, enlightening, differentiating
Between ignorance and intelligence
Line 1: Two syllables
Line 2: Four syllables
Line 3: Six syllables
Line 4: Eight syllables
Line 5: Two syllables
Guys, gurls alike
That which denies
A good, bad or ugly
Swan from being recognized as one
Pure love.
All must relate to same theme or subject.
As with most short forms a title is not necessary.
Who wants to giv it a try? :)
Source: wrr.ng
Line 1: One word
Line 2: Two words
Line 3: Three words
Line 4: Four words
Line 5: One word
Vote blindly
When discretion begs
Sound minds to reason
Line 1: A noun
Line 2: Two adjectives
Line 3: Three -ing words
Line 4: A phrase
Line 5: Another word for the noun
Close, far-flung
Awakening, enlightening, differentiating
Between ignorance and intelligence
Line 1: Two syllables
Line 2: Four syllables
Line 3: Six syllables
Line 4: Eight syllables
Line 5: Two syllables
Guys, gurls alike
That which denies
A good, bad or ugly
Swan from being recognized as one
Pure love.
All must relate to same theme or subject.
As with most short forms a title is not necessary.
Who wants to giv it a try? :)
Source: wrr.ng

Marzuq Abubakar Ungogo and yours truly at Bata Roundabout next to Abubakar Rimi market (Sabon Gari mart) at the Central Business District of Kano Metropolis
Young, pleasant and confident we exchanged pleasantries and THE FIRST CUP amidst smiles :)
Take a look and see whose is more charming... :)
...by Poetic Tee, ”Here, take a sip."
The monster has swallowed, yet another two thousand
Its insatiable belly filled with loved ones not contraband
More bones and skulls covered with lies, in shallow sand
My heart sinks deeper. Come, do I in this all alone stand?
How can I live another sunrise as helplessness bound my hands?
How did I end up on this blood-flowing river bank, in a foreign land?
I often ask what stands to gain masterminds of this plan, so grand?
Unleashing massacre on innocent souls, unprecedented, as a brand
Where have I gone wrong, how can I be strong, who has a magic wand?
The monster has swallowed, yet another two thousand
Its insatiable belly filled with loved ones not contraband
More bones and skulls covered with lies, in shallow sand
My heart sinks deeper. Come, do I in this all alone stand?
How can I live another sunrise as helplessness bound my hands?
How did I end up on this blood-flowing river bank, in a foreign land?
I often ask what stands to gain masterminds of this plan, so grand?
Unleashing massacre on innocent souls, unprecedented, as a brand
Where have I gone wrong, how can I be strong, who has a magic wand?
I heave a sad sick sigh, the weight of a billion complains
Reaching all ears, cries of wailing orphans, widows in quantum pain
I toss and turn in aching despire, asking what psycho-conscience sleepeth through this cinquain
What shocks more, how day sits watching the annihilating tragedy with no disdain
While the night connives in shrouding dark demons devoid of light absorbed with no restrain
Everywhere I turn, in patches, dark blotches, red fresh, yes dried splashes art bloodstain
As smiling, satan sat smoking scorchy cigar, savoring the sickening scenario satisfactorily entertained
I tried as much as I could to stop dreaming this evil nightmare, only to wake to its reality, so certain
Nobody seems to care, for I swim in excruciating pains, breast-stroking to survive this life drain.
Day after day, the hell artist presents again another gory artwork
Using earth as canvass, a fire totting brush, humans as colors to subject minds to shock
Free men forced in death to depict grotesque art sprawls, marveled at by others enblock
Slaves made of maiden names, raped in hunger, killed or turned to suicide bombers who struck
For some its common, boring news on-net, coming right next to a comedy titled "The Doc."
Refugees in their land, abandoned in "Home" away from home, what pathetic twist that sucks
Lacking in basics, disease ravaged, shivering in blanket cold with no blankets, soothed in mocks
O shattered hearts, enough pounding on dungeon walls, giving no respite to their uprooted luck
With each drawn breath, many still look heavenward, praying in hope, for a miraculous stroke.
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved
Reaching all ears, cries of wailing orphans, widows in quantum pain
I toss and turn in aching despire, asking what psycho-conscience sleepeth through this cinquain
What shocks more, how day sits watching the annihilating tragedy with no disdain
While the night connives in shrouding dark demons devoid of light absorbed with no restrain
Everywhere I turn, in patches, dark blotches, red fresh, yes dried splashes art bloodstain
As smiling, satan sat smoking scorchy cigar, savoring the sickening scenario satisfactorily entertained
I tried as much as I could to stop dreaming this evil nightmare, only to wake to its reality, so certain
Nobody seems to care, for I swim in excruciating pains, breast-stroking to survive this life drain.
Day after day, the hell artist presents again another gory artwork
Using earth as canvass, a fire totting brush, humans as colors to subject minds to shock
Free men forced in death to depict grotesque art sprawls, marveled at by others enblock
Slaves made of maiden names, raped in hunger, killed or turned to suicide bombers who struck
For some its common, boring news on-net, coming right next to a comedy titled "The Doc."
Refugees in their land, abandoned in "Home" away from home, what pathetic twist that sucks
Lacking in basics, disease ravaged, shivering in blanket cold with no blankets, soothed in mocks
O shattered hearts, enough pounding on dungeon walls, giving no respite to their uprooted luck
With each drawn breath, many still look heavenward, praying in hope, for a miraculous stroke.
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved
Mehdi Hasan explains it further the double standards of the west and the rest of the world on this CHARLIE HEBDO free speech saga... Read it pls.
As a Muslim, I'm Fed Up With THE HYPOCRISY OF THE FREE SPEECH FUNDAMENTALISTS (http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/6462584 )
Mehdi Hasan
Posted: 13/01/15 14:53
Dear liberal pundit,
You and I didn't like George W Bush. Remember his puerile declaration after 9/11 that "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists"? Yet now, in the wake of another horrific terrorist attack, you appear to have updated Dubya's slogan: either you are with free speech... or you are against it. Either vous êtes Charlie Hebdo... or you're a freedom-hating fanatic.
I'm writing to you to make a simple request: please stop. You think you're defying the terrorists when, in reality, you're playing into their bloodstained hands by dividing and demonising. Us and them. The enlightened and liberal west v the backward, barbaric Muslims.
The massacre in Paris on 7 January was, you keep telling us, an attack on free speech. The conservative former French president Nicolas Sarkozy agrees, calling it "a war declared on civilisation". So, too, does the liberal-left pin-up Jon Snow, who crassly tweeted about a "clash of civilisations" and referred to "Europe's belief in freedom of expression".
In the midst of all the post-Paris grief, hypocrisy and hyperbole abounds. Yes, the attack was an act of unquantifiable evil; an inexcusable and merciless murder of innocents. But was it really a "bid to assassinate" free speech (ITV's Mark Austin), to "desecrate" our ideas of "free thought" (Stephen Fry)?
Prophet in Europe in 2006 or 2011, as it turns out, but by images of US torture in Iraq in 2004.
Please get a grip. None of us believes in an untrammelled right to free speech. We all agree there are always going to be lines that, for the purposes of law and order, cannot be crossed; or for the purposes of taste and decency, should not be crossed. We differ only on where those lines should be drawn.
Has your publication, for example, run cartoons mocking the Holocaust? No? How about caricatures of the 9/11 victims falling from the twin towers? I didn't think so (and I am glad it hasn't). Consider also the "thought experiment" offered by the Oxford philosopher Brian Klug. Imagine, he writes, if a man had joined the "unity rally" in Paris on 11 January "wearing a badge that said 'Je suis Chérif'" - the first name of one of the Charlie Hebdo gunmen.
Suppose, Klug adds, he carried a placard with a cartoon mocking the murdered journalists. "How would the crowd have reacted?... Would they have seen this lone individual as a hero, standing up for liberty and freedom of speech? Or would they have been profoundly offended?" Do you disagree with Klug's conclusion that the man "would have been lucky to get away with his life"?
Let's be clear: I agree there is no justification whatsoever for gunning down journalists or cartoonists. I
disagree with your seeming view that the right to offend comes with no corresponding responsibility; and I do not believe that a right to offend automatically translates into a duty to offend.
When you say "Je suis Charlie", is that an endorsement of Charlie Hebdo's depiction of the French justice minister, Christiane Taubira, who is black, drawn as a monkey? Of crude caricatures of bulbous-nosed Arabs that must make Edward Said turn in his grave?
Lampooning racism by reproducing brazenly racist imagery is a pretty dubious satirical tactic. Also, as the former Charlie Hebdo journalist Olivier Cyran argued in 2013, an "Islamophobic neurosis gradually took over" the magazine after 9/11, which then effectively endorsed attacks on "members of a minority religion with no influence in the corridors of power".
It's for these reasons that I can't "be", don't want to "be", Charlie - if anything, we should want to be Ahmed, the Muslim policeman who was killed while protecting the magazine's right to exist. As the novelist Teju Cole has observed, "It is possible to defend the right to obscene... speech without promoting or sponsoring the content of that speech."
And why have you been so silent on the glaring double standards? Did you not know that Charlie Hebdo sacked the veteran French cartoonist Maurice Sinet in 2008 for making an allegedly anti-Semitic remark? Were you not aware that Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published caricatures of the Prophet in 2005, reportedly rejected cartoons mocking Christ because they would "provoke an outcry" and proudly declared it would "in no circumstances... publish Holocaust cartoons"?
Muslims, I guess, are expected to have thicker skins than their Christian and Jewish brethren. Context matters, too. You ask us to laugh at a cartoon of the Prophet while ignoring the vilification of Islam across the continent (have you visited Germany lately?) and the widespread discrimination against Muslims in education, employment and public life - especially in France.
You ask Muslims to denounce a handful of extremists as an existential threat to free speech while turning a
blind eye to the much bigger threat to it posed by our elected leaders.
Does it not bother you to see Barack Obama - who demanded that Yemen keep the anti-drone journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye behind bars, after he was convicted on "terrorism-related charges" in a kangaroo court - jump on the free speech ban wagon?
Then there are your readers. Will you have a word with them, please? According to a 2011 YouGov poll, 82% of voters backed the prosecution of protesters who set fire to poppies.
Apparently, it isn't just Muslims who get offended.
Yours faithfully,
Mehdi Hasan is the political director of the Huffington Post UK and a contributing writer for the New Statesman, where this article is crossposted
Someone wrote:
"Its a satirical newspaper. Go n find out the meaning of a satire b4 u
kill yasef wit unnecessary headache. Wait oh. So taking criticism in a
humorous way is judgment?"
My Response:
I know what satire means. I just don't want to be part of it. Or don't I have the rights for my feelings to be respected? Simple rule for peaceful coexistence. Don't make fun of me and I won't make fun of you. I'll never abuse you, so you don't abuse me back. Because I sincerely believe that is an uncivilized way of behaving. Is that too much to ask?
Too bad, if you decide it has nothing to do with judging my religion when you said and I quote "Ya'll shud learn to take criticism in a humorous way and change. That is d problem u guys have." If that is not what you are denying, then we must be speaking another language and not English.
Well, it'd be nice if we can discuss him if you have the
decorum to be civil with your language and can back up all your say with
verifiable evidences and proofs. It'd be a golden opportunity to
enlighten you about so much you do not know about him or Islam.
Ignorance is indeed bliss.
Humorous by whose standard? Humorous at whose expense? Are we friends, playmates or something like that? If you want humor, why must I be the target of your selfish satanic satire, when you know fully well (except if you choose ignorance or are deliberately being mean) to poke fun and laugh at my most respected, highly revered icon?
Must I accept your abuses of my sensitivity in order to prove to you my civility or it is you who should realize there are things that I find honoring and respect my feelings for them to show that you a responsible and respectful person?
If you are a jew for instance, would you find any satire towards the holocaust acceptable and show tolerance about it being jested at to prove you are not an intolerant person? Isn't the person who choose that, to toy with, testing your patience and humor disrespecting you, assuming you are even friends or jokemates in the first place?
And about being a satanist, your choice... you are entitled to it like I'm to being a Muslim. Thank you.
By the way, please read again my poem above with objectivity. Many found some sense in it. But of course one can't win them all, can he?
Take care now...
I know what satire means. I just don't want to be part of it. Or don't I have the rights for my feelings to be respected? Simple rule for peaceful coexistence. Don't make fun of me and I won't make fun of you. I'll never abuse you, so you don't abuse me back. Because I sincerely believe that is an uncivilized way of behaving. Is that too much to ask?
Too bad, if you decide it has nothing to do with judging my religion when you said and I quote "Ya'll shud learn to take criticism in a humorous way and change. That is d problem u guys have." If that is not what you are denying, then we must be speaking another language and not English.
Humorous by whose standard? Humorous at whose expense? Are we friends, playmates or something like that? If you want humor, why must I be the target of your selfish satanic satire, when you know fully well (except if you choose ignorance or are deliberately being mean) to poke fun and laugh at my most respected, highly revered icon?
Must I accept your abuses of my sensitivity in order to prove to you my civility or it is you who should realize there are things that I find honoring and respect my feelings for them to show that you a responsible and respectful person?
If you are a jew for instance, would you find any satire towards the holocaust acceptable and show tolerance about it being jested at to prove you are not an intolerant person? Isn't the person who choose that, to toy with, testing your patience and humor disrespecting you, assuming you are even friends or jokemates in the first place?
And about being a satanist, your choice... you are entitled to it like I'm to being a Muslim. Thank you.
By the way, please read again my poem above with objectivity. Many found some sense in it. But of course one can't win them all, can he?
Take care now...
The Story Of Prophet Muhammad And The Jewish Scholar Of Madinah.
Zaid ibn Su`nah was one of the very notable Jewish scholars of Madinah and lived at the time of the prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam – May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) in Madinah.
The following story about him is narrated by Abdullah ibn Salaam (may Allah be pleased with him) who was a blessed Companion of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S.).
According to Abdullah ibn Salaam, Zaid ibn Su`nah reports that once the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.S.) took a loan from Zaid to help other people in the city and promised to pay it on a certain date.
Two or three days before the due date, Zaid ibn Su’nah approached the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.S.) who was accompanying Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman (may Allah be pleased with them), and a number of other companions to offer a funeral prayer.
After the prayers, Zaid ibn Sunah came to the prophet (S.A.W.S.), grabbed him by his shirt and cloak, and looked at him angrily and said:
“O Muhammad! Why don’t you pay off my due?! By Allah, I know nothing of your family except deferment [on debts]. I know well of your people.”
At this Umar got extremely angry and said: “O enemy of Allah! Did you actually just say what I heard you say to the Messenger of Allah? Did you really just do to him what I saw? By the One Who holds my life in His hand, if I were not concerned with [the Prophet’s] leaving us, I would have struck your head with my sword.”
The Prophet and Messenger of Allah, who was looking at Zaid ibn Su’nah quietly and patiently, said: “O Umar! We don’t need this. I was more in need of your advice to pay off his loan well, and your advice to deal with him courteously. Go with him O Umar, pay off his loan, and give him twenty extra saa` (~44 kilograms) of dates because you frightened him.”
Thus, Umar took Zaid ibn Su’nah, paid off his debt, and gave him an extra twenty saa` of dates. Zaid then asked him for the reason of the increase and Umar replied that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) had ordered to give it because Umar had scared Zaid.
According to Zaid, he then asked: “Do you recognize me, Umar?”
“No”, he said.
“I am Zaid ibn Su`nah”
“The scholar of the Jews?”, Umar asked.
“Yes, the same one.”
“Then what made you behave and speak with the Messenger of Allah as you did?” Umar asked.
“O Umar!” I replied.
“I recognized all of the signs of prophethood upon seeing the face of Muhammad except two signs that were not immediately evident: One, that his forbearance would precede his rashness, and that his forbearance would increase upon encountering excessive rashness. Now I have recognized these two signs as well. Bear witness,
O Umar! I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion, and with Muhammad as my Prophet. Also bear witness that I give half of my wealth – and I have plenty of wealth – in charity to the nation of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).”
Umar and Zaid then returned to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and Zaid publicly announced: “I bear witness that none is worthy of worship besides Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger and I believe in him.”
Thus, Zaid testified to the Prophet Muhammad’s message and took the pledge of allegiance on his hand. Later, Zaid participated in a number of expeditions along with the Prophet and was martyred in the expedition of Tabuk.
About Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.S.) Character
The above story shows a glimpse of the prophet’s (SAWS) character, In his book Ihya’ ‘Uloom al-Deen,
Abu Haamid al-Ghazaali highlighted the prophet’s qualities, some of which are stated as follows –
He was the most forbearing of people, the most courageous of people, the most just of people, the most chaste of people.
He was the most modest of people and would not look anyone straight in the eye.
He would respond to the invitations of slave and free alike, and accept a gift even if it was a cup of milk, and
he would reward a person for it.
He got angry for the sake of his Lord but he did not get angry for his own sake.
He would adhere to the truth even if that resulted in harm for himself or his companions. He found one of the best of his companions slain in an area where Jews lived, but he did not treat them harshly or do more than that which is prescribed by sharee’ah.
He would accept invitations to meals, visit the sick, and attend funerals.
He was the most humble and quiet of people without being arrogant, the most eloquent without being long-winded, the most cheerful of countenance.
He would sit with the poor and offer food to and eat with the needy, honoring the virtuous and softening the hearts of people of status by treating them kindly.
He upheld ties of kinship without favoring his relatives over those who were better than them, and he did not treat anyone harshly.
He accepted the excuses of those who apologized to him; he would joke but he only spoke the truth, and he would smile without laughing out loud.
He did not waste time without striving for the sake of Allah or doing that which was essential to better himself.
He did not look down on any poor person because of his poverty or chronic sickness, and he did not fear any king because of his power.
The above mentioned story is a summary of the story that has been transmitted by Tabarani (al-Mu`jam
al-Kabeer), to which al-Haithami says that all of the narrators of the Tradition are sound. Also transmitted by Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim, among others.
The Arabic version of this story has been taken from Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi’s Hayaat al-Sahaaba (The Lives of the Companions).
Adamu Adamu of Daily Trust highlighted upon the
double standard of this event by world leaders in his column published
on Friday, 16 January 2015 adamuadamu@dailytrust.com
"But the hypocrisy and the anti-Islamic credentials of the new confederates are all too glaring to hide. In a series of tweets that exposed lhypocrisie in the Paris march, ‘World leaders who suppress freedom of speech, rally for freedom of speech,’ caught some of the leaders with their pants down. On another level, it could as well have been the international rogue’s gallery. Indeed, for some of the leaders to be seen in a march for freedom of expression or indeed in any march for any kind of freedom, the grotesqueness can be cut with knife.
Here it is unedited series of tweets:
“Solidarity rallies are taking place in France today in support of free speech after the murder of 12 members of Charlie Hebdo editorial staff on January 7.
Daniel Wickham tweeted an impressive list of world leaders attending the rally in Paris to support free speech, while suppressing free speech in their own countries.
We have compiled Daniel’s tweets below for posterity. So here are some of the staunch defenders of the free press attending the solidarity rally in Paris today…
- Daniel Wickham
2) Prime Minister of Davutoglu of Turkey
- Daniel Wickham
3) Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, whose forced killed 7 journalists in Gaza last yr
- Daniel Wickham
4) Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt, which as well as AJ staff has detained journalist
- Daniel Wickham
5) Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, which last year jailed a journalist for “insulting a government servant”
6) Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria
- Daniel Wickham
7) The Foreign Minister of the UAE, which in 2013 held a journo incommunicado for a month on suspicion of MB links
- Daniel Wickham
8) Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia, which recently jailed blogger Yassine Ayan for 3 years for “defaming the army”
- Daniel Wickham
9) The PMs of Georgia and Bulgaria, both of whom have a record of attacking & beating journos
- Daniel Wickham
10) The Attorney General of the US, where police in Ferguson have recently detained and assaulted WashPost reporters
- Daniel Wickham
11) Prime Minister Samaras of Greece, where riot police beat & injured two journalists at a protest in June last year
- Daniel Wickham
12) Sec-Gen of NATO, who are yet to be held to account for deliberately bombing and killing 16 Serbian journos in ‘99
- Daniel Wickham
13) President Keita of Mali, where journalists are expelled for covering human rights abuses
- Daniel Wickham
14) The Foreign Minister of Bahrain, 2nd biggest jailer of journos in the world per capita (they also torture them)
- Daniel Wickham
15) Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, which jailed a man for 15 ys for writing the Jasmine poem
- Daniel Wickham
16) Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who had several journalists jailed for insulting him in 2013.
- Daniel Wickham
17) Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia, which sentenced a blogger to six months in prison for “defamation” in 2013
- Daniel Wickham
18) Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland, where “blasphemy” is considered a criminal offense
- Daniel Wickham
20) PM Cameron of the UK, where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian and threatened prosecution
- Daniel Wickham
21) Saudi ambassador to France.
- Daniel Wickham
And they create the agenda and those gullible execute it for them.
We condemn both those who insult divine sanctities and we condemn those who allow themselves to twist the religion in the name of protecting it.
They hide behind freedom of expression, which is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. And they reckon that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an attack on the freedom of expression. It was not. It was an attack against irresponsible journalism by the worst ambassadors the religion could have."
Source: Daily Trust
"But the hypocrisy and the anti-Islamic credentials of the new confederates are all too glaring to hide. In a series of tweets that exposed lhypocrisie in the Paris march, ‘World leaders who suppress freedom of speech, rally for freedom of speech,’ caught some of the leaders with their pants down. On another level, it could as well have been the international rogue’s gallery. Indeed, for some of the leaders to be seen in a march for freedom of expression or indeed in any march for any kind of freedom, the grotesqueness can be cut with knife.
Here it is unedited series of tweets:
“Solidarity rallies are taking place in France today in support of free speech after the murder of 12 members of Charlie Hebdo editorial staff on January 7.
Daniel Wickham tweeted an impressive list of world leaders attending the rally in Paris to support free speech, while suppressing free speech in their own countries.
We have compiled Daniel’s tweets below for posterity. So here are some of the staunch defenders of the free press attending the solidarity rally in Paris today…
- Daniel Wickham
2) Prime Minister of Davutoglu of Turkey
- Daniel Wickham
3) Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, whose forced killed 7 journalists in Gaza last yr
- Daniel Wickham
4) Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt, which as well as AJ staff has detained journalist
- Daniel Wickham
5) Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, which last year jailed a journalist for “insulting a government servant”
6) Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria
- Daniel Wickham
7) The Foreign Minister of the UAE, which in 2013 held a journo incommunicado for a month on suspicion of MB links
- Daniel Wickham
8) Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia, which recently jailed blogger Yassine Ayan for 3 years for “defaming the army”
- Daniel Wickham
9) The PMs of Georgia and Bulgaria, both of whom have a record of attacking & beating journos
- Daniel Wickham
10) The Attorney General of the US, where police in Ferguson have recently detained and assaulted WashPost reporters
- Daniel Wickham
11) Prime Minister Samaras of Greece, where riot police beat & injured two journalists at a protest in June last year
- Daniel Wickham
12) Sec-Gen of NATO, who are yet to be held to account for deliberately bombing and killing 16 Serbian journos in ‘99
- Daniel Wickham
13) President Keita of Mali, where journalists are expelled for covering human rights abuses
- Daniel Wickham
14) The Foreign Minister of Bahrain, 2nd biggest jailer of journos in the world per capita (they also torture them)
- Daniel Wickham
15) Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, which jailed a man for 15 ys for writing the Jasmine poem
- Daniel Wickham
16) Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who had several journalists jailed for insulting him in 2013.
- Daniel Wickham
17) Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia, which sentenced a blogger to six months in prison for “defamation” in 2013
- Daniel Wickham
18) Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland, where “blasphemy” is considered a criminal offense
- Daniel Wickham
20) PM Cameron of the UK, where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian and threatened prosecution
- Daniel Wickham
21) Saudi ambassador to France.
- Daniel Wickham
And they create the agenda and those gullible execute it for them.
We condemn both those who insult divine sanctities and we condemn those who allow themselves to twist the religion in the name of protecting it.
They hide behind freedom of expression, which is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. And they reckon that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an attack on the freedom of expression. It was not. It was an attack against irresponsible journalism by the worst ambassadors the religion could have."
Source: Daily Trust
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Provocation for a trade
What an evil choice!
Charlie Hebdo, why?
How right for you to abuse
Freedom to express?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Is it sound to speak evil
What one holds sacred?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Is it truly French values
To diss one at will?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Respect's a two way traffic
Don't diss, don't get dissed.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Your antics hurt human souls
Both yours and others.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Two wrongs don't make a right
Who's civilized now?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Who's the looser in all these?
None but us, mankind.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Can we stop this hate for once
Be humans for (a) change?
(c) Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
How right for you to abuse
Freedom to express?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Is it sound to speak evil
What one holds sacred?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Is it truly French values
To diss one at will?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Respect's a two way traffic
Don't diss, don't get dissed.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Your antics hurt human souls
Both yours and others.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Two wrongs don't make a right
Who's civilized now?
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Who's the looser in all these?
None but us, mankind.
Charlie Hebdo, why?
Can we stop this hate for once
Be humans for (a) change?
(c) Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
By Sulaiman Mahir Badamasi
Now that more than 40 leaders of the world have attended anti terrorists march in Paris, it high time we edify ourselves about the reality that we are not used to knowing. First of all, as a Muslim, I strongly condemned all sorts of terrorist attacks all over the world in their entirety, I find it a good idea to discuss about fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism, they way the three words should have been put and the manner in which they are being used.
This write-up aims to affirming that the words; fundamentalism, terrorism and extremism have been mis-given, misinterpreted by some biased media/individuals while misheard, misunderstood by the audience, due to lamentable acts of some few uninformed/misinformed Muslims, a development which every sensible, concerned Muslim is fretting about – Don’t judge me with the act of another – Thus don’t judge Islam/any religion with the act of few followers! It seems like the media as a source and the people at the receiving end have taken the ‘three different words as the same, yet they obviously differ grammatically and conceptually.
The following paragraphs explain the grammatical and conceptual meanings of the words accompanied with Islam’s perspective and teachings about each of them. I will try as much as I can to back my points with textual, doctrinal evidences from the sources of the Islamic teachings (Qur’an, Prophetic tradition and scholarly consensus)The word fundamentalism originates from ‘Fundament’ which is defined, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “An underlying ground, theory or principle”, while ‘Fundamentalism’ means “a movement or an attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principle”. Thus, a person who adheres to basic principles of any discipline (religious, scientific, social or political etc.) is a ‘fundamentalist’.
The first movement whose act was referred to as fundamentalism was founded by a Christian group which “began in the late 19th-century to early 20th-century among British and American Protestants as a reaction to theological liberalism and cultural modernism. The group argued that 19th century modernist theologians had misinterpreted or rejected certain doctrines, especially biblical inerrancy, that they viewed as the fundamentals of Christian faith” (Sandeen 1970).In order for one to become successful in any discipline he/she has to follow the fundamentals, pillars and basic principles of that discipline. Before one becomes a successful scientist he/she must adhere to the fundamentals of science. (Dr. Naik).Likewise, before one becomes a true Muslim he/she has to trace the root of the correct Islamic discipline.The first fundamental in Islam is seeking for knowledge. This can be found in the first verses ever which Allah (God) revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) which says, ‘Read in the name of your Lord who created – (1) Created man from a clinging substance. (2) Read, and your Lord is the most Generous – (3) Who taught by the pen – (4) Taught man that which he knew not. (5)’ (Al-alaq, 96,verses: 1-5) and ” And they were not commanded except to worship Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion.” (Albayyinah, 98:5)The priority that God has given to seeking for knowledge before anything else is to make it an ingredient that will help one to understand the five pillars of Islam and implement them accordingly.
The ‘Five pillars’ of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life:• Faith or belief in the oneness of God and the finality of Prophethood of Muhammad• Establishment of the daily prayers• Concern for and alms-giving to the needy• Self-purification through fasting• The pilgrim for those who are ableAbove are the pillars/fundamentals of Islam by holding onto whom one is a ‘Fundamentalist Muslim’Therefore, it is an unwelcome injustice for the media/individual to label of person who terrifies, tortures or kills innocent people a fundamentalist. If one looks vividly into the five pillars, Allah does not ask the Muslims to hate, terrify or kill non-Muslims.
The word extremism, in Islam is a meaning of Arabic words ‘Al-guluww’or ‘Al-tatarruf’ which literally means”transgression (to exceed a limit, to over step some limit or boundary)” So “who ever exceeds the limit is an extremist.” Some Muslims scholars have further defined extremism as “exceeding the limit of Islamic discipline by adding something (that has not been ordained) up in terms of intention or actions.” Source: (Prof, Sheikh Abdullahi Alkanhal, in the Arabic version of his lecture; Extremism in Islam: Its meaning, how it is and the danger).A person who exceeds the limits, over step some limits or boundary is an extremist! Talk-less of one who kills innocent persons without a due cause. Therefore, extremism is forbidden in Islam due to the following evidences from the Qur’an (God’s word), the hadith (Prophet Muhammad’s tradition) and the opinion upon which the Muslim scholars collectively agreed;God says in the Qur’an:”O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth” – (Nisa’ 4:171)and “O People of the Scripture, do not exceed limits in your religion beyond the truth and do not follow the inclinations of a people who had gone astray before and misled many and have strayed from the soundness of the way.” – (Ma’idah 5:77)Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said what is in the following meaning;”Those who go to extremes are doomed.” He said it three times. (Narrated by Muslim: 2670) In another hadith, the Prophet said, “Beware of excessiveness in religion. [People] before you have perished as a result of [such] excessiveness.
“The scholars have many explanations for what is meant by extremism and those who go to extremes, all of which are in harmony with one another and do not contradict one another. All of them may be summed up as meaning one thing; it boils down to overburdening oneself and being too strict in matters where strictness is inappropriate. (islamqa.info 2014)Indeed, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) always condemned any tendency toward religious excessiveness. He cautioned those of his companions who were excessive in acts of worship, or who were too ascetic, especially when this went beyond the moderate Islamic position. Islam seeks to create a balance between the needs of the body and those of the soul, between the right of man to live life to its full, and the right of the Creator to be worshipped by man; which is also man’s raison d’etre.(Yusuf El-Qardawi)Therefore, ‘extremism’ in Islam is forbidden, thus holding onto the basic principles of Islam does not make one to become an extremist rather, violating the set rules and throwing of the true doctrinal teachings away.
To elaborate what has been written above, even though it’s a mandate on every Muslim to hold onto the basic fundamentals of the Islamic religion, there are three ways in which our action towards that can be described; laxity, moderation and extremism. Laxity implies to adherence to God’s commandments based on I-don’t-care-attitude. In other words, not being careful enough to adhere to the teachings, rules, and standard set by the religion.
Sulaiman Badamasi (Mahir) via sulaimanmahir@gmail.com

Poetic Tee, "Here, take a sip" has been approached by an intellectual online Islamic Da'wah group to submit 15 poems to be published in a proposed international anthology - "titled: MELODIES FROM THE MINARET.
It's a clarion call on Muslim poets around the globe to submit creative entries in a forthcoming Poetry collection.
This project is aimed at featuring insightful poems, beautifully written and creatively flavored with Islamic touch and acceptability as the core requirement.
The aim of the anthology is to propagate Islamic precepts through poetry. It is a type of intellectual da'wah (calling to the path of Allah) to remove misconceptions about Islam and eradicate Islamaphobia among humanity.
The anthology will be published in an Ebook Format (PDF) and will be made available on prominent Islamic websites and blogs for easy download.
The ebook will be for free and the merit as well as the copyright of the works remain with the authors."
Do you wish to participate in this noble project? Then this is an opportunity for you to be published in an international anthology project specially meant to propagate Islam. A chance for you to be read by the rest of the world, both Islamic and secular. A rare offer for you to leave a legacy to be proud of.
You are all hereby invited to write and make poetry submissions using any poetic style of your choice on Islam or any aspect of it.
*Theme is Islam ~ Allah, Muhammad, Quran, Tauhid, Salat, Fasting, Ethics, Interactions etc.
*Only original poets' works are acceptable. No plagiarized poems are allowed.
*Styles used ~ Free verse, Sonnet, Haiku, Cinquain, Tanka, Nonet etc should be clearly indicated next to titles with a harsh tag (#).
*Each piece must employ poetic devices to present a very rich and very deep universal Islamic message.
*Usage of sound Islamic words and dictions are highly recommended, accompanied by keys to non-English words used to garnish the entries.
*All entries should be submitted to MinaretMelodies@gmail.com
*Successful entries would be featured for starters here on my Facebook wall, blog
www.tijjanimuhammadmusa.blogspot.com and www.designworldinternational.com, an online magazine for all to see, read, appreciate and acknowledge.
*10 Best entries based on their eloquence, message value and worth would then be chosen for onward publication.
*Authors new works, existing and previously published poems are eligible.
*Maximum of 3 entries only.
*Entries must be accompanied by Brief Biography of poet
*Entry closes on 31st January, 2015 at 11:59pm
All further inquiries should please be directed to Tijjani Muhammad Musa's mmtijjani@gmail.com.
This project is aimed at featuring insightful poems, beautifully written and creatively flavored with Islamic touch and acceptability as the core requirement.
The aim of the anthology is to propagate Islamic precepts through poetry. It is a type of intellectual da'wah (calling to the path of Allah) to remove misconceptions about Islam and eradicate Islamaphobia among humanity.
The anthology will be published in an Ebook Format (PDF) and will be made available on prominent Islamic websites and blogs for easy download.
The ebook will be for free and the merit as well as the copyright of the works remain with the authors."
Do you wish to participate in this noble project? Then this is an opportunity for you to be published in an international anthology project specially meant to propagate Islam. A chance for you to be read by the rest of the world, both Islamic and secular. A rare offer for you to leave a legacy to be proud of.
You are all hereby invited to write and make poetry submissions using any poetic style of your choice on Islam or any aspect of it.
*Theme is Islam ~ Allah, Muhammad, Quran, Tauhid, Salat, Fasting, Ethics, Interactions etc.
*Only original poets' works are acceptable. No plagiarized poems are allowed.
*Styles used ~ Free verse, Sonnet, Haiku, Cinquain, Tanka, Nonet etc should be clearly indicated next to titles with a harsh tag (#).
*Each piece must employ poetic devices to present a very rich and very deep universal Islamic message.
*Usage of sound Islamic words and dictions are highly recommended, accompanied by keys to non-English words used to garnish the entries.
*All entries should be submitted to MinaretMelodies@gmail.com
*Successful entries would be featured for starters here on my Facebook wall, blog
www.tijjanimuhammadmusa.blogspot.com and www.designworldinternational.com, an online magazine for all to see, read, appreciate and acknowledge.
*10 Best entries based on their eloquence, message value and worth would then be chosen for onward publication.
*Authors new works, existing and previously published poems are eligible.
*Maximum of 3 entries only.
*Entries must be accompanied by Brief Biography of poet
*Entry closes on 31st January, 2015 at 11:59pm
All further inquiries should please be directed to Tijjani Muhammad Musa's mmtijjani@gmail.com.
...Written by Tijjani Muhammad Musa
(Inspired by a WhatsApp funny message)
It's not marrying a last born that's the problem
She's so spoil rotten.*
It's not marrying a first born that's the problem
She often acts stupid.*
It's not marrying a hawker that's the problem
She's such a spendthrift.*
It's not marrying a naïve girl that's the problem
She needs tutoring in almost everything.
It's not marrying a prostitute that's the problem
She can never be trusted.
It's not marrying a virgin that's the problem
She takes a long time to be initiative.

It's not marrying a graduate that's the problem
She's her own oga at the top or boss.*
It's not marrying an illiterate that's the problem
She's arguementative and never convinced.
It's not marrying a city babe that's the problem
She's expensive and costly to maintain.*
It's not marrying a village girl that's the problem
She can be so, so embarrassing.*
It's not marrying a beautiful woman that's the problem
She's never stable and can be so frustrating.*
It's not marrying an ugly girl that's the problem
She's hard to show off to friends.
It's not marrying a girl from a rich family that's the problem
She's so pompous, arrogant and full of herself.*
It's not marrying a girl from poor family that's the problem
She's forever demanding and complaining.*
It's not marrying a light skin babe that's the problem
She's always sick, an Out-Patient.*
It's not marrying a dark skin one that's the problem
She's not for driving around in a posh car.*
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
*Translated and additional words by Tijjani M. M. Original in Hausa by THE SUMS SEEKER.
(Inspired by a WhatsApp funny message)
Women are our constant companions. So many different types to choose as
life journey mates. Each choice with its advantages and disadvantages.
Some say women are nothing, but trouble. Others say they are just a
bunch of problems. Still some would say "Women and their wahala."
Well as it is with them, so it is with men. Different men with their
different palavas. Not withstanding all this unverifiable opinions, men
are still the ones who marry women, father their children and their
source of prestige in human society as married women.
One of the
major comforts of this life, women form part of our joys and pleasures
of living, which for many is never complete without them. And that
brings us to the careful choice of a woman to mother your future
generations. Which one will it be among the list below?
She's so spoil rotten.*
It's not marrying a first born that's the problem
She often acts stupid.*
It's not marrying a hawker that's the problem
She's such a spendthrift.*
It's not marrying a naïve girl that's the problem
She needs tutoring in almost everything.
It's not marrying a prostitute that's the problem
She can never be trusted.
It's not marrying a virgin that's the problem
She takes a long time to be initiative.
It's not marrying a graduate that's the problem
She's her own oga at the top or boss.*
It's not marrying an illiterate that's the problem
She's arguementative and never convinced.
It's not marrying a city babe that's the problem
She's expensive and costly to maintain.*
It's not marrying a village girl that's the problem
She can be so, so embarrassing.*
It's not marrying a beautiful woman that's the problem
She's never stable and can be so frustrating.*
She's hard to show off to friends.
It's not marrying a girl from a rich family that's the problem
She's so pompous, arrogant and full of herself.*
It's not marrying a girl from poor family that's the problem
She's forever demanding and complaining.*
It's not marrying a light skin babe that's the problem
She's always sick, an Out-Patient.*
It's not marrying a dark skin one that's the problem
She's not for driving around in a posh car.*
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
*Translated and additional words by Tijjani M. M. Original in Hausa by THE SUMS SEEKER.
THE OGBUAGU 1 (The Lion-Killer)

The Enyi of Aba has conferred a chieftaincy title upon #Buhari.
He is now formally recognized by the Ndigbo community as Muhammadu Okechukwu Buhari, The Ogbuagu 1 (The Lion-Killer) of Aba.
Behold The Chief Himself, Mr. President Sir! (In sha Allaah)
I want this on my blog just for the records
Abbakar Modi Jabo wrote:
Jonathan, The Best In Nigeria During His Term As President:
1. Petrol from N65 to N97 -in most other
places over N120
2. Kerosene from 50 naira to 120 and above
i.e (unofficial price).
3. Garri from N150 to N260 per measure
4. Sugar/flour/ beans/ all from N180 to N350
per measure
5. Electricity charge from N1,250 to N4000
per month and yet no light
6. Scarcity of money but abundantly available
for groups campaigning for TAN etc
7. Killings from few individuals to whole
communities being wiped out
8. Police/ military roadblocks from 1 per
40km to 2 per 3km
9. Crude oil illegal bunkering from 10,000
barrels to 100,000 barrels stolen per day
10. Industrial strikes by many organisations
11. Sack of few workers to thousands of
12. WASSCE from 40% failure to over 70%
13. Trust, love and unity among citizens from
much to zero
14. Stealing in billions of Naira to billions of
15. Budget implementation from 40% to less
than 20% Per year
16. Roads from potholes to huge craters and
17. Economy from worse to greatest in Africa
on paper, but the masses from poor to
18. Politicians defect from one party to the
other in an unusual fashion and soldiers also
defect to other countries
19. Transport fares on both air and road
networks have shot the roof
20. Bribe takings from only police to soldiers
21. ATM charges from zero to N65 per
22. New English phrase called 'Tactical
Manoeuvre' when soldiers are deliberately
dispatched with low grade weapons to be
killed by a well armed "Boko Haram"
23. Bribery scandal
24. Police pension scam
25. Oduahgate
26. Bart Nnaji NEPA scandal
27. Allison jet scandal
28. Orisajafor $10 million arms scandal
29. Subsidy scam
30. Immigration death scandal
31. Missing $20 billion
32. Handlin boko haram wit kid glove
33. Election delegate bribe
34. Sheriff/ Ihejirika case, etc.
35. Increase in taxes and austerity
36. 16 is greater than 19 in democracy.
Please VOTE him OUT Come 2015.
Abbakar Modi Jabo wrote:
Jonathan, The Best In Nigeria During His Term As President:

places over N120
2. Kerosene from 50 naira to 120 and above
i.e (unofficial price).
3. Garri from N150 to N260 per measure
4. Sugar/flour/ beans/ all from N180 to N350
per measure
5. Electricity charge from N1,250 to N4000
per month and yet no light
6. Scarcity of money but abundantly available
for groups campaigning for TAN etc
7. Killings from few individuals to whole
communities being wiped out
8. Police/ military roadblocks from 1 per
40km to 2 per 3km
9. Crude oil illegal bunkering from 10,000
barrels to 100,000 barrels stolen per day
10. Industrial strikes by many organisations
11. Sack of few workers to thousands of
12. WASSCE from 40% failure to over 70%
13. Trust, love and unity among citizens from
much to zero
14. Stealing in billions of Naira to billions of
15. Budget implementation from 40% to less
than 20% Per year
16. Roads from potholes to huge craters and
17. Economy from worse to greatest in Africa
on paper, but the masses from poor to
18. Politicians defect from one party to the
other in an unusual fashion and soldiers also
defect to other countries
19. Transport fares on both air and road
networks have shot the roof
20. Bribe takings from only police to soldiers
21. ATM charges from zero to N65 per
22. New English phrase called 'Tactical
Manoeuvre' when soldiers are deliberately
dispatched with low grade weapons to be
killed by a well armed "Boko Haram"
23. Bribery scandal
24. Police pension scam
25. Oduahgate
26. Bart Nnaji NEPA scandal
27. Allison jet scandal
28. Orisajafor $10 million arms scandal
29. Subsidy scam
30. Immigration death scandal
31. Missing $20 billion
32. Handlin boko haram wit kid glove
33. Election delegate bribe
34. Sheriff/ Ihejirika case, etc.
35. Increase in taxes and austerity
36. 16 is greater than 19 in democracy.
Please VOTE him OUT Come 2015.
Ignore ignorant minds ignorantly expressing ignorant speech. - Tijjani Muhammad Musa
Solar car in Kano! For real? This I've got to see... :)
Cruising along Sabo Bakin Zuwo (State) Road of Tarauni Quarters of the Kano metropolis when he was noticed moving slowly at a steady pace on the fast lane side of the road. This normally would have generated a lot of anger, annoyance and multiple car honks, but instead it attracted the curiosity of other road users, pedestrians and even those standing by the road sides.
A man with gray hair in his late 50s was sitting in a box-like
entrapment made out of wood, in the shape of a toy car. One would have
dismissed the object moving on 4 motorcycle wheels as a nuisance to fast
traffic, but for its uniqueness. Uniqueness in the sense that, though
it was looking nothing like a state-of-the-art vehicle of taste, it was
moving in total silence through the street, without a single sound.
One is left wondering what could be propelling it quietly on the highway, without the usual noise or exhaust fumes associated automotive engines. Could it be possible that it is not driven by a conventional engine? The answer is a simple, definitive "Yes." It is a vehicle that is moving on solar power! Right here in Nigeria and in the old ancient city of Kano? Unimaginable!
What more is there to say about this amazing technology that is the future pursuit of mankind, a pollution-free, green and carbonless fuel using machine system? Do keep it a date on this page as we feature the innovative story of Isma Solar Tech.
Coming Soon!!!
Source: DesignWorld International "It's All About YOU"
One is left wondering what could be propelling it quietly on the highway, without the usual noise or exhaust fumes associated automotive engines. Could it be possible that it is not driven by a conventional engine? The answer is a simple, definitive "Yes." It is a vehicle that is moving on solar power! Right here in Nigeria and in the old ancient city of Kano? Unimaginable!
What more is there to say about this amazing technology that is the future pursuit of mankind, a pollution-free, green and carbonless fuel using machine system? Do keep it a date on this page as we feature the innovative story of Isma Solar Tech.
Coming Soon!!!
Source: DesignWorld International "It's All About YOU"
...by Poetic Tee, "Here, take a sip"
A love story sold
By love about a love loved
Her lovely name? Lurve.
A love story sold
By love about a love loved
Her lovely name? Lurve.
At first sight she fell
Into a bottomless pit
Falling she still is.
Strange she has been court
By many romeos who couldn't fight
For a love they sought.
Unexpected thrill
Discovered him in a smile
Never to be same, she.
In him she finds peace
Sunflower to bright sun light
Bewitched she trails it.
Love dwells in her heart
It's for him and no one else
Yet, pride rapes her feel.
Poor of means, rich soul
Glitters, lusters, for stars
Choice made, gainless pain.
Happiness she craves
In his company she blooms
One word floors her high.
She craves his touch bad
In that sanity abides
Dungeon, dragons, den.
Her heart hurts severe
Sentenced to dwell in despair
Vampires on fire.
Taken, shaken, pain
"Don't let me die while alive"
Is true love a crime?
A slave she's become
Adorn by lust, full of thrust
Tattered, mangled doll.
Tears overflow dams
Drowning sea, sweet anguish, hell
Frowns, fights, fists, faints, fin.
Why hurt she, so sad
A sweeping swift stitch in time
Could have save nine. Sigh.
(c)2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Right Reserved
Into a bottomless pit
Falling she still is.
Strange she has been court
By many romeos who couldn't fight
For a love they sought.
Unexpected thrill
Discovered him in a smile
Never to be same, she.
In him she finds peace
Sunflower to bright sun light
Bewitched she trails it.
Love dwells in her heart
It's for him and no one else
Yet, pride rapes her feel.
Poor of means, rich soul
Glitters, lusters, for stars
Choice made, gainless pain.
Happiness she craves
In his company she blooms
One word floors her high.
She craves his touch bad
In that sanity abides
Dungeon, dragons, den.
Her heart hurts severe
Sentenced to dwell in despair
Vampires on fire.
Taken, shaken, pain
"Don't let me die while alive"
Is true love a crime?
Adorn by lust, full of thrust
Tattered, mangled doll.
Tears overflow dams
Drowning sea, sweet anguish, hell
Frowns, fights, fists, faints, fin.
Why hurt she, so sad
A sweeping swift stitch in time
Could have save nine. Sigh.
(c)2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Right Reserved

1999 marked the beginning of the so-called 4th republic, in which Nigeria as an independent nation is trying its hands at being ruled by a democratically elected government. Out of desperation to douse the looming crisis facing the nation then, the military government under General AbdulSalam Abubakar quickly arranged and organized an election, chose another retired military General they were comfortable with and handed power over to him as a civilian president.
It was turbulent from the start as was expected, but considered a learning period, all were requested to exercise patience. And so by the end of the first 4 years, election time came with the entrance of more military persons into the Nigeria's political terrain. Among them was General Muhammad Buhari, a one time Head of State, whose tenure was short-lived via a coup in 1984, again by another military General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.
A no nonsense displinarian, Buhari ventured into politics a green-horn. He vied for the highest political seat, the presidency, against an incumbent and having come, bearing grudges from several people his earlier military rule had touched, most of the elites, victims and relatives of his tough government stance did not support him, except the masses who are what really mattered in a democracy.
That election was a testing ground for Buhari, whom many did not want in politics due to his cleanliness. His reputation as an incorruptible personality goes ahead of him. And with the new direction the country was being steered towards institutionalizing corruption, many saw Buhari's principled presence as a threat, a sort of stumbling block.
What dirty playing politicians, who deliberately play it that way to scare reputable, sound minded persons from being in politics foresee is, if the likes of Buhari should be allowed to remain in the game, many more like him will find it comfortable to enter politics and sanitize it, so their (bad political players) days would be over...
Besides, they believed politics is a dirty game and only dirty people should be seen engaging in it. Thus whoever is seen meddling in politics is assumed to be a dirty minded person, no matter his credibility. Yet, it is these same politicians who end up in decision-making positions. One can only wonder what good would come from such minds toward the people they rule over.
But, he wanted in, seeing that it is politicians who decide the fate of any people, not intellectual or sound minded and morally upright persons. So, despite his impeccable reputation, he bravely stayed in, withstood their abuses, embarrassment, bashing, smearing, image tarnishing, slander, lies and treachery, character assassination and much more all in their desperation to flush him out of "their" terrain.
A trained mind and body in resilience, he bore them all and contested in 3 different elections in 2003, 2007 and 2011, against 3 different presidents, Obasanjo, Yar Adua and Jonathan respectively, never retreating, never surrendering to the intimidation of the might and power of the day.
He was not able to become president on each occasion, not because he was not voted by the voters, nor because the candidates he contested against were more credible or better qualified than him, and again not because he has not proven legally in court with proofs and evidences that the elections were full of flaws and discrepancies to be credible, but because of the popular adage "He who pays the piper dictates the tune."
Nigeria's electoral body, though suppose to be independent and even has the word as part of its name, Independent National Electoral Body (INEC), like many government funded outfits, dances to the dictate of any president in power. Thus clearly, the body is incapable of conducting a free and fair election.
Buhari did not fail to win all the 3 other elections (2003, 2007 & 2011) he contested in, but the incumbency power and control he ran against, had denied him victory each time using the judge and jury electoral body under each ruler's absolute control and later the courts, who rather than be bold in ruling fairly based on truth findings, would choose not to "rock the boat" by unseating persons now illegitimately in power.
How possible is it for any president in power to contest for a position he so badly wants to hold on to and has full power to swing in favor of himself, yet refuse to tip the scale to make him the eventual winner, most especially here in Africa?
Obasanjo knows it, Yar Adua (RIP) knew it and Jonathan knows it too, that they never actually won those elections fair and square. In a free and fair election, all three of them (OBJ, SMY and GEJ) combined know it that they are just like the biblical Goliath, who could never ever defeat David (Buhari).
They know it, you know it, I know it and the whole world knows it, that given a neutral playing ground with unbiased umpires conducting an election between Buhari and any of the PDP candidates or even PDP the party itself, Buhari would vanquish them all by the power of the people and the power of God Al-Mighty.
This was typically exemplified in the latest and current freest and fairest election ever conducted in Nigeria's political history, which was organized and executed by All Progressive Congress (APC) during their just concluded presidential nomination primaries in Lagos in November 2014. PDP had even forgotten elections like that still existed, having "perfected" a method of imposing unpopular candidates both upon themselves internally and upon the nation externally.
Here, the man dusted contestants who came with their best in money, track records, gingered support and much more in the likes of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, Governors Rabiu Kwankwaso and Rochas Okorocha and Sam Nda-Isiah. Not forgetting his earlier defeat of ex-Governor Ibrahim Shekarau and Nuhu Ribadu in 2011, when 12 million Nigerian voters casted their ballots in Buhari's favor without any coercion of federal structure or backing.
Now, the challenge is this. Can Goodluck dare it, if not because of the fact that he is at the helm of the nation's affair. Could Goodluck Jonathan be brave enough to stand against Buhari, were he not the Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Force and all the Federal Government apparatus are under his power, control and disposal? He wouldn't have even dream of trying it. And this I believe with utmost conviction.
Why is it permissible in our constitution for someone in power to contest for a post he is holding without first resigning or relinquishing that position, then run for which ever office he or she desires as a neutral candidate like every other contestant? Winning under such circumstance would truly demonstrate a person's popularity among the people.
And if only that was obtainable, one is sure all the Jonathanians and Niger Deltans that are busy shouting fire and brimstone about their worst nightmare and choking fear i.e. Jonathan's exit from power and vacating Aso Rock come May 2015 would not dare say it. Yet kiss the dust of defeat he shall, even under the prevailing circumstances, before the awe inspiring Hercules of a phenomenon that BUHARI is.
Though many are afraid for their tomorrow based on fake prophesies of doom casted by soothsayers about Nigeria in 2015. We can only pray that may their mean and evil forecast return back to whence it came from and in sha Allah (so it shall BE). Nothing but good and positive CHANGE will happen to Nigeria in 2015. We are believers in God, both Christians and Muslims and in God, let the believers put their trust.
It is by God's Infinite Wisdom that He Permitted all others to ascend the throne of power and for Buhari to wait and not ascend that seat as a democratically elected president yet. It is actually in preparation for the uphill task of returning the country back from the brink, from the edge, from the abyss that we are precariosly positioned now. God Almighty Loves consistency in goodness and a man gets only what he strives for. Buhari shall triumph by the Grace of God.
Patiently he has attempted to become an elected president 3 consecutive times. 3 times he has been denied, for a purpose. The "Never give up" is the spirit of all winners, and so when the time is right, non-quitters always win in the end. So, soon Nigeria shall be set free. This nation will rise to prominence, against all odds and join other committee of nations, occupying its rightful position.
CHANGE is inevitable. All we need is one man and as ordained by Allah (God), so it shall unfailingly "BE" by His Living Grace and Power! Ameeen!
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
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