Friday, October 25, 2013


A Rejoinder by Tijjani Muhammad Musa

Please my brothers and sisters, we must stop taking anything we see posted or we like on our News Feeds by friends, subscribers, groups etc on Facebook or other social media, most especially if it is on Islam for granted. We must not just read it but must question its authenticity and source and always try to verify the information on a post before re-posting it or forwarding it.

The assertion that 6666 is the number of Verses in the Holy Qur'aan is Not True! 666 is the number of the Devil. If you are in doubt, please Google the number 666 and see for yourselves. Any person who is conscious of the Dajjal and is a student of his manifestation and the signs preceeding his coming is aware of this. So, this is nothing but a clever way of introducing the devil's 666 figure in a 6666 disguise to say the Holy Quran has such number of verses, so that gullible Muslims will embrace it as their own and subliminally accept it in the minds.

Even Dr. Rashad Khalifa, who wanted to use the number 19 to create a formula to distinguish the Quran had to use 6346 to arrive at a perfect number that is divisible by his 19 Code. But the most widely acceptable total number of verses of the Holy Quran is not 6666, but 6236! This is according to our Wikipedia search. But there is some fun to this!

Can we please take up this CHALLENGE by personally taking up our Qurans and physically verify the Number of Verses in the Holy Quran for our selves? I don't know how each individual can do this, but it should be a worthwhile exercise to do this and if you can intend it as an act of ibadat, you might get rewarded for the verification in shaa Allaah.

That is apart from the fact that you will find out that DEFINITELY, IT IS NOT 6666!

Tijjani M. M.

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