Friday, August 22, 2014

THE KING BEAD Tijjani Muhammad Musa

There is only one religion and that is monotheism - i.e. Believing and worshiping only ONE True Living God. He Is Allah, The One. (Surah 112: 1). There is none other.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'alah (SWT - May His Grace be Exalted and Glorified) Created man, Adam Alaihis Salatu Wa Salam (ASWS - Upon him be greeting of peace) and then the events that followed between his wife Hauwa (Eve) and the accursed Satan, that led to his leaving the garden of bliss, of grace (eden), which we all know too well. God made Adam to dwell on earth with his wife and their children for a period of time, after which death is decreed upon him and all his generations to come.

And because God created mankind not for any other reason, but to worship Him (Allaah) alone, the fundamentals of which is the declaration (kalimat) "La ilaha illalLah" meaning "There is none worthy of worship except Allaah", He gave Adam guidance (religion of Islam i.e. the acts, ways, procedures, manners of worshiping God). So upon himself alone, Allah did not leave Adam guideless. Thus he was the first prophet sent to mankind (himself, his wife and his progeny).

After Adam's demise, years later Noah (ASWS) came on to the scene and Allaah made him a prophet, giving him monotheistic guidance for himself and his people. Would it be anything different from what was given to Adam? No. It was that simple formula of "La ilaha illalLah". For God being Perfect, should be Consistent in His State of Being.

Noah (ASWS) lived, prophesied and eventually passed on and Abraham was next, the most prominent of monotheists then. To him also Allaah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'alah (SWT - May His Grace be Exalted and Glorified) gave the simple doctrine of "La ilaha illalLah" and so with it he lived his part of human history. Starting a generation of rightly guided prophets and messengers unequaled.

To Isaac (Ishaq AS), Ishma'el (Isma'I'll AS), Jacob (Yaqoob AS), Joseph (Yusuf AS), David (Dawud AS), Solomon (Sulaiman AS) and many others, each HE (SWT) Entrust His Trust of "La ilaha illalLah". Each of them being trustworthy, upheld the mission of abiding by it and broadcasting it to his generation, if so enjoined.

Moses (Musa ASWS) also came on, along with him his brother Aaron (Haroon AS) also a prophet. To both Allaah SWT gave the assignment of declaring to Pharoah and his contemporaries "La ilaha illalLah"! And of course we all know what eventually followed.

John the Baptist (Yahya AS) came slightly ahead of Jesus (Isa bin Mayam ASWS) and each them said nothing else, but "La ilaha illalLah". With each of the prophets and messengers, God Almighty Allah Gave them wisdom, divine attributes and amazing feats. Most prominent of which was Jesus and his miracles.

There was not a single prophet or messenger who came amongst mankind, but declared and upheld that singular most profound statement and formula of "La ilaha illalLah" meaning THERE IS NO GOD WORTHY OF WORSHIP, BESIDES ALLAAH! And there was no nation that existed in human history, both known and unknown, both documented and missed out that a prophet or messenger was not sent to it by Allaah, with that One Singular Message of "La ilaha illaalLaah".

Finally, mankind's level of education and advancement, his thinking and comprehensive faculties having fully matured and developed, Allaah SWT Knowing well it is time, sent the Seal of all His prophets, Muhammad SAWS to completely the Godly Project.

But, because mankind has come of age and have become so diverse in geographical spread and languages, coupled with different cultures and traditions, a universal prophet and messengers was necessary and required to be sent.

To convey the message to mankind, one of the many languages had to be used. A language that is original, as much as possible untainted with borrowed words, rich, deep in meanings, with diverse words to choose from was necessary. Arabic, the language of the last divine courier was perfect as a vehicle with which to do the job.

This final time, the heavenly message was not sent to any particular race, ethnicity or group of people, but to mankind as a whole as was done originally, to Adam. He alone stood for mankind and got that unique formula of "La ilaha illalLah", so also was the global human population to be unified as one singular entity, under that same formula "La ilaha illalLah", that has passed from the first man through prophets and messengers in the different eras to the last man (unified human race) in the global village. Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet was sent.

Muhammad ASWS was Chosen by Allaah SWT for reasons best known to God, to be the seal, the cap, the end of His Divine messengers and prophets. After him SAWS and the book Al-Qur'an (the Mother of All books), with which he was sent, there will be no more divine books or revelations from God (Allaah) to mankind.

The perfect example of the chain of prophets and messengers from Adam ASWS to Muhammad SASW is like the rosary beads, arranged in a row, with a string passing through the hole in the center of each and finally capped with the terminal king bead. The first bead starts the count, followed by the next and the next and the next until all are accounted for. The string is that unique formula, the declaration of monotheistic faith, the kalimat "La ilaha illalLaah", while the beads each stands for the individual prophets and messengers. Their positions are the time and eras in human history, from Adam AS to Muhammad SAWS.

Now, looking at it from this perspective, how could anyone be confused or find it difficult to understand that there is only One God (Allaah), with One Message for One Mankind, One World, One End?

(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved

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