...by Tijjani Muhammad Musa
I have never joined issues with Dr. Farooq Kperogi on almost anything he chose to write on or react to about Buhari. Some of it so venomous, so deeply demeaning of its origin, that one finds it shocking to imagine the level of hatred contained in the source's "poison" pouch, which seems kind of reserved strictly for Buhari.
One cannot help but wonder why Kperogi's persistent and unrelenting criticisms of anything remotely close to or far flung from, so long as it is associated with the President. Also one is left curious to know at which point did Buhari and Kperogi's paths crossed and what might have transpired between them to initiate such blind and ferocious literary onslaughts from the latter onto the former?
Some conspiracy theorists say it might probably be because having reached the pinnacle of his career, that is become a professor and lecturer in one of the universities in the United States and also having served at one time as one of Obasanjo's speechwriters, Dr. Farooq believes he deserves much more respect from any Nigerian government thenceforth.
And so a better recognition from the current administration through an appointment or two wouldn't be out of place, rather than his being snubbed like a nonentity, a nobody. Thus his fury, anger and annoyance basically boils down to being ignored like an ordinary citizen, which he thinks himself not.
Others posit that his meek background, having come from Okuta, Baruten Local Government of Kwara State bordering Benin Republic, which by default could perhaps not make him one of the most valuable Nigerians, but at least could put him forth as the most popular export of his relatively tiny, unknown ethnic minority group. This is what might be making him have a crisis of the two opposite complexes.
Inferiority complex on one hand, thus his detest and envy for Buhari, a Hausa-Fulani extract from an ethnic majority Kperogi might possibly wish to have come from, but can never. And a superiority complex on the other hand, due to his high level of academic qualifications and career status, influencing him to regard everyone lowly and "simpletons" as he recently described Buhari followers.
Whatever the reasons might be, many find the professor a little bit too harsh in his critical attacks of almost every policy and approach to governance of this APC government under the leadership of Buhari. I, being a staunch supporter of Buhari have never actually bothered about Farooq's criticisms, despite issuing a warning to my social media e-friends as well as whoever, albeit jokingly, for them to beware of their tongues where and when my President is concerned.
I refused to express my takes or lay it thick upon Kperogi for several of his scathing articles on Buhari. Not because he does not deserve a rejoinder or two on one or two occasions, but because I was of the sincere belief that whatever might be making the erudite scholar act with such inattentive abandon must be personal and so he is entitled to his opinions, whether wrong or right and is free to spew his guts or fart out loud once in a while as a concerned citizen, most especially on national issues.
And because of his lofty academic status, I found it in me necessary to respect him, as I did while he was with Daily Trust as its columnist some years back, even before he travelled to America. But subject to his recent temperament, it is sad to note that clearly, Farooq has allowed something, I really don't know what, to have taken over his sense of decorum, to lose control over his emotions, peaked his bias and sentiments, and even misappropriate his intellectuality.
When things like that happen and it can happen to anyone, literate or illiterate, a genius or a simpleton, urban or suburban, one can only sympathize with the unfortunate person over his or her despicable predicaments. And that, is the basic reason why I chose to understand the man who often seems to be hell-bent on dancing naked in the market place, despite calls by those who care for him not to do that.
And this his trademark derogatory remarks I was soon to learn were not limited only to the greats and mighty in society, in his insatiable quest for attention, but that even ordinary social media users were not spared. From his track records of use of abuses, which are not limited to the likes of Buhari alone, since his past lecturers like Prof. Ibrahim Bello Kano (IBK) and Prof. Aliyu Kamal among many others are once in a while given a dose of his public stripper of a mind.
And because of his high level of intolerance for any he deems beneath him in his suppressive thinking, many of his e-friends get to be "Blocked" at the slightest expression of opinions Kperogi finds contrary to that which he holds, even if facts and figures as evidences are tendered to that effect. This attitude has made many wonder why someone who relishes in criticizing others would lack the patience to swallow some of his own medicine. It has unfortunately earned him a very stinking reputation and such distasteful nicknames as "Kperogue" on one hand and "Dr. Blocked" on another.
But like someone possessed by a mean, heartless and envious jinn, the man of English grammar seems to have gone beyond the frustrations he is registering from the outcome of his ranting and writings, and is beginning to extend his network of unguarded utterances, callous disrespect and disregard which are meant to hurt feelings of ordinary people with equal fundamental human rights, just like him, most for committing no offense whatsoever except exercising their freedom of expression and of association.
His "mad dogs" of words unleashed aforetimes to desecrate the person of Buhari and Office of The President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, having yielded not the desirable results and impact their master would have wish for, has necessitate a change in approach from him to this self-imposed vengeful saga. From his latest outburst, the need for him to include in the attacks of Buhari's personality, his Nigeriana, the Buharists, has become so imperative, thereby taking an entirely new dimension.
Now, this is where some of us come in. I am a Buharist, to the core. A very proud one for that matter. I have declared without any apology my unflinching support and loyalty to the rare, unique and exceptional phenomenon of a man known as Muhammadu Buhari and his good intentions for this country. I want to be associated with the legacies he will be bequeathing to Nigeria, some of which are already existing while others are soon to manifest.
I have chosen to be on his side and not the other side of the divide as history records this patriotic strive, these nationalistic transformational efforts as we pass through our portion of time. I actually do not fret about being called names. Haters and Wailers do that to Buhari and Buharists all the time. Such uncivil behavior serves as sharks in our tank. Clearly, we are becoming better, the country is fast regaining its confidence and credibility among other stabilizing qualities because of such yelping and barking.
Words Prof. Kperogi arrogantly hauled to register his aggravation with citizens of Nigeria, who support and revere Buhari fell flat at my feet. That is where they belong, for the basic reason that their price and value carry no weight, being useless and worthless. I have written severally in both prose and poetry for it to be documented that I'm a BUHARIST to the core and so #IStandWithBuhari, and proudly too.
I do this Buhari thing, just like all true Buharists not for any gain, but for the fact that I don't want my biography written to show that I was in any form of clash or opposition with the man's patriotic cause for this nation. Again we are doing this out of our own free will, free from any compulsion or inducement. He might not even know we exist, nor do we want him to know. This we are doing for the love of our nation.
We want to be registered amongst Buhari's disciples. Those who walked with him through the rough, tough stuffs that are unbearable to most in bringing back Nigeria's lost glory, yet we survived the daunting sojourn. And like other nations that saw the depth of recession's valley, we hope to see the peak of Nigeria's rebirth and its repositioning among the leading countries of the world.
The man Buhari for me, for us, is hope for a better future. Not just for us and our progenies, but for this one of a kind blessed and well endowed country. A nation of almost 200 million, hated by many from both within and without it, yet it keeps growing by the day, against all odds. If I can not help in uplifting it to greater heights, I do not wish to be among its betrayers.
Thus aligning with Buhari in this quest is a life time opportunity, no sane and sound mind should miss. He is our own Mandela, Luther King, Gandhi, Li Kuan, Mahathir and such other great men.
When I read the Prof's swipe at Buharists, it saddened me much to have to confirm his reserved position among the Wailers and Haters of a man of honor, integrity and dignity. I see Kperogi's image, lofty among those who wish for our dear country Nigeria and its road to economic recovery, to describe it in one simple and single word, ill. What a disappointment from one with such potential, to be lost to the flood, just like Noah's son of biblical narrations.
But then looking again at his vomit about Baba's loyalists, it occurred to me that he ought to be excused due to his ignorance, and genuinely so too. Forget the fact that Kperogi is a professor. You see, there is this beautiful saying "We are all ignorant. It all depends on the subject matter", experts as some of us might be in one field or another. He might be knowledgeable in media and journalism, but when it comes to optics, embryology, facial makeup, he is as good a novice or even a stack illiterate.
Now since he knows not what or who a true Buharist is, which shows clearly from how unfortunate and regrettable Kperogi's take on us is, I would seek the readers indulgence to give the university don a proper introduction of who we are and what we stand for via this poem:
I'm a Buharist to the core
Not because he's faultless
Nor because he's blameless
But because he's only human
Not close to perfect, err bound
Yet, that doesn't affect my stand
To proudly identify as his Nigeriana.
I'm a Buharist to the core
Been to the precipice of hell
Cliff hanged on edge of heaven
Saw a red river flowing east to west
Thousands swimming against its tide
As tears tear thru my conscious conscience
Making me believe, in the change that changes.
I'm a Buharist to the core
I am what I am, not for a fee
Wanting nothing back in return
And my core value?..... Patriotism
I'm unique, special, different, selfless
Educated, informed, enlighten, optimistic
I'm not much in person, but everything in us.
I'm a Buharist to the core
I've chosen to be part of this
O history, put me on this half
His side of the coin, not the flip
I stand to be counted, not a hater
Nor among the looters or wailers
Definitely not my nation's saboteur.
I'm a Buharist to the core
Sacrificer of my beloved lamb
For the greatness of my country
Cast king N afloat, a soaring eagle
Free from the shackles of bondage
From demeaning chains of poverty
Transformation; Frownism to Smilism.
I'm a Buharist to the core
Now, some might not like it so
You might even think it unhealthy
You might even hatefully detest it
But that's just the way it is, for me
My nation comes first, I give it m'all
I am what I am, proudly a new Nigerian.
I'm a Buharist to the core
Part of a phenomenon I am
A rough, tough journey I must walk
Dungeon darkness to lofty star light
Broken spirit, my resolve, my hope lifts I
To believe ailment ain't death, but a test, a trial
Of which as I rise once again, I see I in it...
A new, prosperous, enduring Naija dawn.
(c)2018 All Rights Reserved
That he has picked on us, lovers and supporters of the living legend i.e. Muhammad Buhari to include in his campaign of hatred and calumny, let it be known that we are warriors of unknown capacity and capability. Remember, only the one who knows the pen, truly fears the pen. The loudest of music might fail to wake up a sleeping baby, but the softest of noise might arouse a mighty, monstrous giant.
He has willingly invited us, Buharists, among us a league of creative minds to a meal, possibly a feast of words that might know no end. It is our hope that like the burning disk in our solar system, he is capable of preparing, producing, providing, sustaining and enduring all that it takes to maintain its feed. In simplicity, is indeed found much complexity and vice versa.
But as a matter of urgency Farooq Kperogi should walk backwards, retrace his footsteps and look elsewhere for his "idolaters", his satan sanctifiers and worshippers, his "stupid" and "idiotic" lot as asserted in his submission against us. He should be rest assured that Buharists or let me give him another new word haters have created to describe us; "Babarians", after our favorite chant of "Sai Baba!", are not it.
Muhammadu Buhari might be too busy with State affairs to bother and respond to nuisance distractions like him, but we are not. Prof. Farooq Kperogi should therefore be rest assured that our 'Bubu' is not alone, for we are here with him. And in our ambition to relaunch this country back on track, we will leave no stone unturned towards achieving our goals.
And this piece is, but just a prologue. We should remember that, before the ceremonial red carpet is laid for any people's President to walk upon, much to the cheers of an audience, the walkway is first and foremost swept clean and cleared of dirt, debris and litters. That way a smooth, bump free walk is assured him who is worthy.
To be continued...
~ Tijjani M. M.