Saturday, February 15, 2025
ME ZA KU CE WA ALLAH? - Hausa Haiku 36 (Mai Carbi)
...daga alk'alamin Muhammad Tajajjini d'an Tijjani
Dukkan godiya
ta tabbata gare Ka
da kyautar Ka.
Na adabi da Ka
ba mu ba tare da mun
biya kwabo ba.
Wasu na zube
wasu rubutun wak'e
mu kwa Haikawa.
Ga wani zance
da aka zanta a yau
mai ban ta'ajib'.
"...Bi ni'imati
Rabbika fa hadith" zan
kawo gare ku.
Zan fara ne da
wata fahimta da na
gano ku gane.
Duk abin da ban
samu ba, Allah ne bai
ba ni ba. Haqqun.
Haka zalika
wanda na samu, Allah
ne ba kowa ba.
Wani ne ya ce
yana da tambaya. A
ka ce ana ji.
"Shin wai ku me za
ku cewa Allah ne?" Sai
kowa ya yi tsit.
Aka fad'a kogin
tunani. Can sai wani
ya ce "Godiya."
Don wAllah Azim
dukkan wata ni'ima
da d'an Adam zai...
Nema kuma ya
ke fafutukar samu
a doron k'asa?
Allah (SWT) Ya ba ni.
Ba tawaya sai k'ari
ma da Yai mana.
Allah Ya ba mu
rai Ya ba mu lafiya.
Ya ba mu ji ras.
Ya ba mu gani.
Ya ba mu shinshina. Ga
d'and'anonmu rau.
Sannan Ya ba mu
fatar sanin yanayi
har da hankali.
Allah Ya ba mu
tunani.Ya ba mu ci
da shan halali.
Ya halicce mu
maza da mata Ya ba mu
sura da tsari.
Yai mu Musulmi.
Ya yardar mana bauta
gare Shi Rabbi.
Ya ba mu iyaye
Haihuwar mu halali.
Ga sutura fes.
Ya ba mu mata
da y'ay'a har jikoki
tuli Ya ba mu.
Allah Ya ba mu
muhalli da makwabta
fal mãsu kirki.
Ga abin hawa
natsuwa da wadatar
zuci mun samu.
Har da arzik'i
da kama kai. Ga aune
da hangen nesa.
Allah Ya kai mu
Makkah har da Madinah.
Ya yardar mun...
Ziyarci Manzo (SAWS).
Sallah a Haramainin
nan masu tsarki.
Da naSa (AWJ) da na
Nabiyyina Muhammad (SAWS)
cikin harami.
Ya ba ni harshe
mai ambaton Sa. Mai go-
diya gare Shi.
Ala kulli hal
Ya gudanar da ni kan
tafarki mai kyau.
Allah Ya yardar
mun shiga y'an Sittuna
au Saba'una.
Mun shigo da
kwarjini da kamala
muna hamdala.
Sai tsawon rai mu
wanye dunya lafiya
Shi ne ya saura.
Ya Allah Ka ba
mu sabur da juriya
har can kushewa.
Abin da muke
bid'a ke nan Ka sa mu
cika da iman'.
Ka sa mu a Y'an
radiyatan mardiyyah.
Makur6an Kawthar."
Amin thumma amin.
(c)2025 Tijjani M. M.
A Kiyayi Hak'k'in Mallaka
DUNIYA Y'AR YAYI - K'umbula 21
...daga alk'alamin Muhammad Tajajjini d'an Tijjani
Idan da akwai
wani abu mai tabbas
da ke d'orewa...
A doron k'asa
ba zai wuce gushewar
abin yayi ba.
In ana yayin
abu wAllah kai ka ce
ba zai kauce ba.
Ba zai ta6e ba!
Amma a kwan a tashi
sai ka ji shi d'if.
Gaba d'aya ka
daina jin d'uriyarsa.
Kamar ba ai ba.
Kai ko ambato
balle labarinsa duk
an daina yi kaf.
Duniya ke nan.
Mutum an yi yayinka
ma ya ka k'are...
Balle a ce ba
ai ba. Kowa duniya
ta rungume shi
Sai ya makance.
Ya kama ganin shi fa
na musamman ne.
Na baya ne ba
su iya ba, shi ya sa
ta rufta da su.
Ta shi ba irin
ta su ba ce! Da sannu
kowa zai gane.
Amma ina! Can
sai ka ga mai hawa Jeep
na sayan yalo.
Yana k'orafin
an mas tsadar ta hamsin.
Ko kunya bai ji.
An daina cin su
Shawarma da shan Laban
an koma koko.
Takalmin rafta
rigar jeme ba wanki.
Fuska a kod'e.
Da ba a Sallah
don ba lokaci, yanzu
ko ba natsuwa.
Su na ji su na
gani ana biki ba
zanin d'aurawa.
Jiya ta tafi
da shurarsu, ta bar su
k'anzon zubarwa.
K'uncin yau daban
na gobe wa ya san ko
za ta iso mas?
Don kewar tashe
kan kashe bawa ko
da bai mace ba.
Ka gan shi iska
na kad'awa a gari
ganye a bushe.
©2025 Tijjani M. M.
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
K'UMBULA (Hausa Haiku) TA FARKO - Mai Carbi 40
...daga Alƙalamin Muhammad Tajajjini d'an Tijjani
Komai kyawun y’a
Dole uba ya bayar
Ko ta zam kwantai!
(c)2017 tijjani m.m.
Wannan shi ne
Haikun Hausa na farko
da na rubuta.
A shekara ta
Dubu biyu da goma
sha bakwai cifcif.
Ta sanadiyar
rubuta wasu Haiku
na Turanci ne…
Akan iyaye
masu shagwaɓa y'ay'a
har su k'i aure.
Kwatsam! Kai ka
ce walkiya baitin ya
duro mun a ka.
Nan take na yi
sauri na rubuta shi
ba k'ak'k'autawa.
Daga nan fa na
kama rubuta wasu.
Kun ji mafari.
Wani ne ya ce
in kawo K'umbala ta
farkon ƙyanƙyasa.
Ya kuma ce mun
yaushe a ka yi haka?
Ta wane dalil'?
Shi ne na shiga
rumbun ajiyata na
kama lalube.
Duba nan duba
can har soshal midiya
ban same ta ba.
Nan na zurfafa
bincike, ko'ina d'if.
Na buga Haiku…
A manhajar "Search
Machine" na Google don su
taya ni nema.
Aka ba ni su
fiye da milyan ɗari.
Nan na yi turus.
Na canja zuwa
Hausa Haiku. Nan ma La!
Na ce "Wai! To fa!"
Can zuciyata
ta ce da ni "Ka nemi
natsuwa malam."
Na shiga kogin
tunani "To a ina
kwa zan samo ta?"
Kwana na wajen
bakwai a nema. Da kyar
na samo wAllah.
Ita kak'ai tilo
a cikin wak'ok'i tuli
a na'urata.
Kun san da farko
tsoron a ganta ma
na dinga ji. E.
To abu ne da
ba a san shi balle a
ce an yi sabo.
Kuma na san za
a sha fama ka6ar ta.
In ma an kar6a.
Can nai ta maza
na gabatar da ita
a tararrabe.
Dare ya tsala
a shekarar Korona
sahu ya d'auke.
Ai kuwa gari
na wayewa wasu su
ka ce "Atafau!"
Aka kama karaf-
kiya. Masu "Ba ma so
ba ma yi" na yi.
Haka rayuwa
ta gada. Kuma hali
ne na d'an Adam
Ko mene ne a
ka ce sabo ne kar'ba
sai a hankali.
Tarihi abu
ne mai maimaita kansa.
Yanzu komai ras.
Ba mu da abin
cewa sai Hamd'lillah.
Hak'uri ya yi.
Har sunan yanka
Manya suka rad'awa
Haiku na Hausa.
Ga shi mun samu
har an soma rubuta
Ajaminta yau.
Masana wasu
sun fara kallonta don
su nazarce ta.
Ko a tilonta
ko ka ja carbinta
K'umbula ta ke.
Haikawa mu ke
masu k'aunar rubuta
ta da harshenmu.
Bahaike ya ke
ko Bahaikiya mace
masoya Haiku.
Salon magana
ne a adabi’ance
Haiku da Hausa.
Kumbula ta ke
y'ar kad'an mai albarka.
Ma sha Allahu.
*(c)2025 Tijjani M. M.*
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
...by Poetic Tee "Here take a sip."
Why does it always,
always makes me sad,
makes my eyes go moist.
Bringing tears to my ken,
as my heart dip in reflection,
making me realize how time,
has flown by. Taking us with it,
helplessly, like pieces of twigs,
in a turbulence, a flooding river,
emptying us, throu delta fingers,
into a sea, further into an ocean.
I don't even know which wAllaah.
Yet, I know within my conscience,
it's neither the Atlantic nor Pacific.
Can't be! For our earth swims in it.
Like a tiny speck of dust in another.
Still in another bigger, vaster speck.
All of them specks, upon specks,
still upon a trillion other specks
much more spectacular.
Which makes me wonder,
yes ponder, how small am I?
Really! How much smaller still,
in the vastness of the blackness,
of this infinite, eternal space?
Yes, I might be that nobody,
that irrelevant, insignificant
invisible atom. But surely, I am
he unique, without which
the universe will be incomplete?
One of the many,
off the periodic table,
that bonds into a molecule,
a compound, a complex system.
That's thereafter gifted a soul,
by the blown word "Kun!"
And Lo! I become! A being!
A human! A believer of The One.
Unto Whom there's nothing like.
This can't be real, right?
O Livers in denial!
Or can it?
For here I am,
floating in the stratosphere,
hearing nothing, but listening
to the sounds of silence,
in absolute pitch darkness.
My sight just like my shadow
has totally abandoned me.
No taste left in my mouth
nor can I smell a thing.
Numb, numb, numb
with cold and voidness.
A deja vous of sort.
Like I once did in the womb,
awaiting a birth and n soon a rebirth.
An apocalypse.
©2024 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
...daga alk'alamin Muhammad Tajajjini ɗan Tijjani
An dad'e ana ruwa
k'asa na shanyewa
Komai duhun dare
Gari na wayewa
Duk mai ƙaunar Annabi
Ba fa ya ta6ewa
Komai bak'in cikin ɗd'antsako
Ba zai suri d'an shirwa ba.
Dubi hak'k'in talaka
Y'an siyasa na sacewa
Wayoyinmu na hannu
'Barayinsu na k'wacewa
Karatun allo da na boko
Da yawan muna kasawa
Sakaiyar wani zaluncin
wAllahi ba sai an je lahira ba.
Rayuwa yanzu ta fa lalace
Azzalumai da yawa ake bautawa.
Har tutiya wasu ke yi
Sun hau tafarkin nan na baud'ewa.
Zina da abar gudu abar 6oyewa
Yau ta zame wa wasu abar shanawa.
To kowa ya kwan da sanin
Tuwo sunansa Tuwo ba zai canja ba.
Abin damuwa abin kaico
Na tattare da wasu y'an Arewa.
Rashin ilimi rashin kishi
Ya sa kullum muna dad'a ta6ewa.
Hassada, k'yashi da bak'in ciki
Sun taru sun hana mu had'd'ewa.
Yanzu ga shi ba a sa mu
cikin wad'anda suka san ci gaba.
An yi Boko Haram ga Kidnapping
Har da Bandits masu kasshewa.
An hana mu noma, in ma mun yi
Ina albarkar abin da muke shukawa?
Hutun jaki dank'are da litattafai
Amfanin ilimi aiki da shi don wayewa.
Rashin sani kan sa kaza kwanci
Bisa dami ba ta tsattsaga ba.
Da yawan mu fa tafiya
Kawai muke babu mai dubawa.
Ina muka dosa a al'umance?
Da yawa fa babu masu tonawa.
Mun zama tamkar makafin
Dabbobi da babu mai nusarwa.
Yanzu a wannan k'arnin na AI
Ba za mu samu wani jagora ba?
Tajajjini nake d'an Tijjani
Kira na yo ko da mai amsawa?
In na aiko sak'on da Turanci
Da yawa mutane ba a ganewa.
Shi ya sa na yo ta sigar wak'e
Duk da shike ban da gogewa.
Fura ce na damo ba kindirmo
Ku lalubi gard'inta don ban sa mata suga ba.
(c)2024 Tijjani M. M.
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
...daga alk'alamin Muhammad Tajajjini ɗan Tijjani
Da kuɗi ake
siyan tikitin shiga
wutar Jahannam.
Al-jannah kuwa
kyauta ake shiga da
rahamar Allah.
Ga wanda bai je
gano kan karatun ba
to matso ka ji.
Da kuɗi ake
sayen giya ai tatil.
A nemi mata.
A yi zinace-
zinace har luwaɗi
da ma yankan kai.
A sai wa boka
buƙatunsa na shirka.
Ai sharholiya.
Da baɗala da
shaye-shaye ai mankas.
Ai biyan kisa.
A nemi mulkin
da akan yi maguɗi
a ke zalunci.
Kan su ake
ruf-da-ciki kan haƙƙin
talakawa fa!
A sauyawa duk
halittar Allah kama
don ai yaudara.
A tauye mudu
a zambaci bayi su
rasa mafita.
Ga abubuwa
nan birjik da ake yi
na zaluntar kai.
Wanda in mutum
ya mutu yana yin su
to wuta balbal!
Amma Al-Jannah
fa? Ko kwabo ba za ka
kashe ba wAllah.
Illa kawai kai
alwala ka yi Sallah.
Ka ba da Zakkah
Ka yi Azumi
ka je Hajji kai Zikir.
Ka nemi gafar'.
Ku duba da kyau
a waɗannan tafarkin
wanne ne aibu?
Ka kula da kyau
duk rintsi kar ka mutu
ba ka da Iman.
In ka yi sa'a
Shahada ta zam kalma
ta karshen harshe.
To yanzu ka ji
azancin maganar da
nai kan tijarar.
Kukan kurciya
jawabi, mai hankali
ke zama wayis.
(c)2025 Tijjani M. M.
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
...daga alƙalamin Muhammad Tajajjini ɗan Tijjani
Yau dai wAllahi
na ga abin da ya ban
mamaki kwarai.
Wani gardi na
gani na cin na jaki!
Bulalu shaaraaaf!
Yana ihu a
na ku ƙara mas dubu
gobe ya sake.
Duk wanda bai da
mafaɗi bai ji daɗi
ba sam wAllahi.
A ce yaro ya
doshi faɗawa wuta
bai da makwaɓi.
Bai da uwa ta
gari da za ta yi wuf
ta sure ɗanta.
Ta sa ido ta
hana cuta atafau
ta cutar da shi.
Dakarun gidan
mahaifin Y. Amurka
sun kyauta wAllah!.
Da suka zane
shi ciki da bai har
ma da ɗoriya.
Suka kaddamar
da bulalar hana shi
baɗalar Tiktok.
Da iyaye da
ahli na yin haka ai
da anga gyara.
Da irin su O'
da duk sun daina rashin
"M" a dandali.
Saboda neman
kuɗi maras tsafta sai
mutum ya kife.
Shi ko ko oho.
Kima da martabar
gidansu a tir.
Yanzu da Hizbah
ce ta hora shi ka ji
tarantsin banza!
To hanin munkar
aiki ne akan kowa!
in Musulmi ne.
Da hannu da
baki da zuci ga mai
raunin imani.
Amma ai shiru
wAllah ba daidai ba ne.
Dole a motsa.
Wani lokaci
magana ba ta isa
sai da dorina!
Haka Allaah Yai
umarni a Qur'ani.
A sharɓa musu!
*©2025 Tijjani M. M.*
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
...daga alk'alamin Muhammad Tajajjini d'an Tijjani
Haiku fa na da
dokoki da ka'idar
ga66ai a k'irge.
Komai na shi da
lissafi yake tafe.
Haiku sai mai Mas.
Duk wanda bai da
rumbun kalmomi to
na shi yai kallo.
Dalili shi ne
nemawa kalma gurbi
da ma madadi.
Don Hausa Haiku
sai fasihi na gaske
ke rubuta shi.
Ban da ma'ana
ta kalmar akwai wasu
buk'atu daban.
Wanda dole ne
su tabbata in har da
gaske za a yi.
In kuwa zance
kawai za ai to akwai
adabin zube.
Rarara kowa
yai. Amma kun ga ana
Haiku da wargi?
wAllah ko gwanin
rubutacciyar wak'a
ko ko marera.
Ba su tunkarar
Haiku da Hausa gaba
gad'i. Sam! Inaa!
Shi ba a rera
shi balle a nemi sai
an k'afiye shi.
Su 'Dango su
'Kwar duk ajje su. Samu
kalma ta dace.
Ga66anta kar su
zarce kirgen bulo a
gina baitinka.
Ban da d'aukar
kalma a ya6a. Lallai
ne sai ka k'irga.
Hausa Haiku sam
ba fili ba ne awon
igiya. Lala!
Awon Gwamnati
ne da duk takardunsa
har Satifiket.
Shi ya sa Haiku
da Hausa sai gwanayen
jera kalmomi.
Da ga6obi sha
bakwai cifcif kan sahu
uku bi da bi.
Ga6o6i biyar
sama, bakwai a tsaka
biyar a k'asa.
Sannan a nemi
ma'ana don kowa ya
gane sak'onka.
(c)2025 Tijjani M. M.
A Kiyayi Haƙƙin Mallaka
...by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip."
My journey, is back to You
From whence and where
It all began, not so long ago.
Every day, like a step I take,
Brings me closer back home
Soon, this sojourn 'll be over.
Tests, trials, travails on a trail
Some I succeed, others I fail.
As human, 9 I'm, never 'll be 10.
Hope, fills me up to the brim
In expectation, yes anticipation
I'll walk into a graceful mercy.
A thunderous welcome it is.
Not worthy of the ungrateful
But of Your Promise, fulfilled.
(c)2025 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
Then WASC/WAEC were really a test of the best brains. Getting straight As in 8 subjects was an achievement for the likes of Ahmad Sarkis, one in a century. Some of the brilliant minds would barely manage to scrape in 5 or 6 credits with P7 or two passes.
Most end up with 2 - 4 credits and the rest will be passes. Such persons will still get admission in the university to read courses they never planned to have in their cap feathers. Those who insist on reading a course they desire, such as I, would go for remedials.
However, like Prof. Abdalla Uba Adamu pointed out, guys like him found their rhymes and rhythms, eventually hitting their peaks and coming out on top of their classes, carting home awards, job offers and even scholarships to study abroad. I was one of them.
Unlike now, where a student will pass out of secondary school with 8 or 9As only to end up at the middle or lower end of a table at a university of his or her choice. Lecturers use to be amazed. That was when they discovered such students results were often fake
Matters got worse when NECO came on board as an examination body. Students with As and Bs in all subjects would find it difficult to gain admission into universities, repeat JAMB 5 or 6 times and still fail, and get frustrated out of their academic pursuits. So sad.
And soon what eventually came to pass? Parents started sending their wards to get educated abroad due to persistent strike actions by ASUU which often prolong a 3-4 years course to 5-6 years before graduation and NYSC.
Anyways, all that is history now. Many get a degree or 2 or even 3 and because they are never prepared to use the knowledge they acquire as a base upon which to use and become self employed and eventual employers of labour, non-graduates now fair better.
Like our elders would say, there's nothing wrong with a child falling down. All he needs do is get up, dust off the dirt and continue to walk or run to his destination. If however the child fail to get off the ground and move on, then something is terribly, definitely amiss.
So, worry not about failure or missing out on an opportunity. A better ootion is coming your way, that's why you missed the first one or a lesson is being taught to you, experience is being added to your personal development pool to make you a better goal getter.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
I discovered that a long time ago wAllahi. That winning 1st Position in class is nothing special. How did I find that out?
Well, while in Primary 4 promotional exams, 2 of my subject results were mistakely omitted from my Report Card by our teacher. So I ended up at the 5th position overall. I cried foul and filed a complain.
The papers were checked and it was discovered I was truly on top of the class. So the guys positioned 1st - 4th were to each be moved off those positions down to accommodate my worthy 1st position.
Then it occurred to me, why bother? What would it change, after all I've not failed and everybody knew I topped the class. Besides those not in our class knew nothing about the miscarriage. Why strip my classmates of the joy of their then celebrated positions.
Kawai sai na ce a bar shi ba komai. Everybody was pleased with my decision, I inclusive. Since then it never mattered to me who's 1st, 2nd, 3rd or whatever. All i cared about is not failing. And it sufficed, becoming one of my cardinal guiding principles in life.
So now I don't care who's where or doing what. I'm often contented with where I am and doing what I am doing. Whoever is doing whatever, his or her luck. Just let me do my own thing. I'm not competing with nobody wAllahi. And life has been very fulfilling for me. Ma sha Allah. Alhamdulillah.
I often tell myself that all i wish for from Allaah SWT is finding myself among the list of those who made it to Jannah. Whether it's Adn, Firdous, Na'im, Ma'awa etc it doesn't really matter. So long as it's not Jahannam, I'm good, happy and pleased with my Lord, knowing He has gifted me the ultimate of successes.
To same with hayatad dunya. Ni dai kawai kar in yi failing. No failure please. That's all.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Burma did it with Rohingya Muslims and the world pretended it was a Hollywood box office thriller. Now China is doing it Urghuyh Muslims as well, cashing in on the non-chalancy.
Where are all the fundamental human rights as well as freedom of expression. Where are their advocates worldwide? Have they suddenly gone deaf, dumb and blind?
Islam will still survive all its oppressors. For after every storm, there's usually calm. It shall come to pass and peace shall prevail in sha Allah.
Hmm, sai dai a bar su kawai! Ya yi watanda sannan ya yi damadama da garin madaran Ummansa... :D
Kuma ya zo ya nai wa mutane dariya ya na bada bayanin yadda madarar ta tsokane shi shi kuma ya tara ma ta gajiya... Hehehehehe :D
Ji kan shi kamar na Malam Ibrahim Gumel, PhD Pwuahahahahaha! :D :D :D
Hmm, sai dai a bar su kawai! Ya yi watanda sannan ya yi damadama da garin madaran Ummansa... :D
Kuma ya zo ya nai wa mutane dariya ya na bada bayanin yadda madarar ta tsokane shi shi kuma ya tara ma ta gajiya... Hehehehehe :D
Ji kan shi kamar na Malam Ibrahim Gumel, PhD Pwuahahahahaha! :D :D :D
- Successfully Completed.
The Kwandala Foundation has succeeded in freeing some prisoners by paying for their meager court fines to secure their freedom. A project usually crowd-funded by the populace, both Muslims and Christians from across the country.
This is an annual exercise the humanitarian organization organizes and executes during the holy month of Ramadhan. In fact, many givers call for the project once the fasting period commences. AlhamdulilLaah. Ma sha Allaah.
Inmates, some as young as 18 years, but looking even younger were among those that enjoyed their freedom from incarceration on the eve of the Eid-ul-Fitri Sallah.
Each of them has a story to tell and when asked to spill the beans, did they spill it?! Our target are usually non criminal cases. Persons with little fines in the range of N1,000, N1,500, N2,000 or thereabout and we would then plan to pay for about 50-100 inmates.
But this time around we could only get a few of them out at higher fines of N10k, N20k, N50k for one in jail for 18 months and another N70k for someone in prison for 2 years. Both, like their counterparts couldn't pay their imposed fines.
Many of such high cost, non criminal individuals are languishing in jails after spending months awaiting trial and then getting their sentence. Sadly for most of them, their family members, relatives and friends do not even know their whereabout!
Due to the fact that, we dont usually budget a certain amount before hand to do the project, but rely on donations from well meaning individuals in the society, our scheduled event usually happens in the closing dates of Ramadhan, the last 10 days.
By the time we are ready, almost all the low-fine inmates have been freed by other kind hearted individuals and NGOs. Only the slightly higher fined prisoners usually freed by the State Governor and Emir of Kano remain. Thus by default ours is ranked among these giants.
This year's prisoners liberation came with a difference. In the previous years 2013 - 2018, we were given prisoners on a prepared list, gathered together before our arrival. But this year, efforts had to be made before we got them.
In fact, when their names were being announced, some refuse to come forth for fear of being transferred to another prison (Bichi, Wudil, G'Dutse etc), believing the hardship and welfare is far less than that at Kurmawa. So, even if they hear their names being called, they pretend absence.
Stories these prisoners came out with was often so sobering that it is scary for any one to imagine finding himself or herself inside such a horrible place. Some stated they have been in there awaiting trials for months, before they are finally taken to court and sentenced.
Court fines from #6,000- #20,000 with options of 2 - 9 months were some of the cases we encountered and paid for. Some have started serving their jail terms a few days, others almost completing it, only for Kwandala Foundation to come unexpectedly to their rescue.
Their crimes? Possession of marijuana, loitering, trespassing, political rally involvement, and among the women prostitution, poor debt repayment, petty theft and so on.
In some instances, cases one shouldn't be in jail for, youths find themselves among hardened criminals, condemned murderers, terrorist suspects, rapists etc.
One of the freed convicts we interviewed lamented sorrowfully the lack of any rehabilitation or correctional function the prison system is suppose to serve. Rather the opposite is what he noticed is obtainable. He complained bitterly about the homosexual acts happening in there.
We were almost done for the day, when a case of a young man was brought to us. He saw our Foundation members (Kwandalights) inside the prison facility and immediately started to beg, pleading and appealing to us to help him gain his exit. That he was innocent of any guilt.
He confessed to us he was not a criminal nor has he ever been involved in anything evil. Why was he in prison then? We asked. He said he was caught in possession of a lighter and that he smokes cigarettes. But in a swoop by security operatives, he was among the caught.
One thing led to another and he found himself there. His fine was N20,000 or 3 months in jail. He has spent 13 days before our Prison-Free Project and prayed to be rescued. The warders recommended him and we paid for his freedom. You need to see his tears filled eyes!
So much has happened and the experience we gained is priceless. May any of our family, friends and loved ones never find themselves is such a dreadful place.
Until next Ramadhan in sha Allah when we do this again, we would like to sincerely thank all those who donated one thing or another that ensured the success of the project. May Allah SWT reward your GIVING whether small or huge with the ultimate of success both here and the Hereafter. Amin.
Ramadhan Kareem and Eid Mubarak... :D
~ #Full_List_of_Donors ~
The Kwandala Foundation has succeeded in freeing some prisoners by paying for their meager court fines to secure their freedom. A project usually crowd-funded by the populace, both Muslims and Christians from across the country.
This is an annual exercise the humanitarian organization organizes and executes during the holy month of Ramadhan. In fact, many givers call for the project once the fasting period commences. AlhamdulilLaah. Ma sha Allaah.
Inmates, some as young as 18 years, but looking even younger were among those that enjoyed their freedom from incarceration on the eve of the Eid-ul-Fitri Sallah.
Each of them has a story to tell and when asked to spill the beans, did they spill it?! Our target are usually non criminal cases. Persons with little fines in the range of N1,000, N1,500, N2,000 or thereabout and we would then plan to pay for about 50-100 inmates.
But this time around we could only get a few of them out at higher fines of N10k, N20k, N50k for one in jail for 18 months and another N70k for someone in prison for 2 years. Both, like their counterparts couldn't pay their imposed fines.
Many of such high cost, non criminal individuals are languishing in jails after spending months awaiting trial and then getting their sentence. Sadly for most of them, their family members, relatives and friends do not even know their whereabout!
Due to the fact that, we dont usually budget a certain amount before hand to do the project, but rely on donations from well meaning individuals in the society, our scheduled event usually happens in the closing dates of Ramadhan, the last 10 days.
By the time we are ready, almost all the low-fine inmates have been freed by other kind hearted individuals and NGOs. Only the slightly higher fined prisoners usually freed by the State Governor and Emir of Kano remain. Thus by default ours is ranked among these giants.
This year's prisoners liberation came with a difference. In the previous years 2013 - 2018, we were given prisoners on a prepared list, gathered together before our arrival. But this year, efforts had to be made before we got them.
In fact, when their names were being announced, some refuse to come forth for fear of being transferred to another prison (Bichi, Wudil, G'Dutse etc), believing the hardship and welfare is far less than that at Kurmawa. So, even if they hear their names being called, they pretend absence.
Stories these prisoners came out with was often so sobering that it is scary for any one to imagine finding himself or herself inside such a horrible place. Some stated they have been in there awaiting trials for months, before they are finally taken to court and sentenced.
Court fines from #6,000- #20,000 with options of 2 - 9 months were some of the cases we encountered and paid for. Some have started serving their jail terms a few days, others almost completing it, only for Kwandala Foundation to come unexpectedly to their rescue.
Their crimes? Possession of marijuana, loitering, trespassing, political rally involvement, and among the women prostitution, poor debt repayment, petty theft and so on.
In some instances, cases one shouldn't be in jail for, youths find themselves among hardened criminals, condemned murderers, terrorist suspects, rapists etc.
One of the freed convicts we interviewed lamented sorrowfully the lack of any rehabilitation or correctional function the prison system is suppose to serve. Rather the opposite is what he noticed is obtainable. He complained bitterly about the homosexual acts happening in there.
We were almost done for the day, when a case of a young man was brought to us. He saw our Foundation members (Kwandalights) inside the prison facility and immediately started to beg, pleading and appealing to us to help him gain his exit. That he was innocent of any guilt.
He confessed to us he was not a criminal nor has he ever been involved in anything evil. Why was he in prison then? We asked. He said he was caught in possession of a lighter and that he smokes cigarettes. But in a swoop by security operatives, he was among the caught.
One thing led to another and he found himself there. His fine was N20,000 or 3 months in jail. He has spent 13 days before our Prison-Free Project and prayed to be rescued. The warders recommended him and we paid for his freedom. You need to see his tears filled eyes!
So much has happened and the experience we gained is priceless. May any of our family, friends and loved ones never find themselves is such a dreadful place.
Until next Ramadhan in sha Allah when we do this again, we would like to sincerely thank all those who donated one thing or another that ensured the success of the project. May Allah SWT reward your GIVING whether small or huge with the ultimate of success both here and the Hereafter. Amin.
Ramadhan Kareem and Eid Mubarak... :D
~ #Full_List_of_Donors ~
...by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"
The Kwandala Spirit
What'll explain to thee this Spirit?
It's a gift of priceless value
That starts with the act of giving.
Humbling of hearts
It breathes give
Lives on give
And dies giving.
The Kwandala Spirit
Is a selfless, uncanny ability
Bestowed from on high
To a chosen few.
So, if you have it
You have it.
If you don't
You can't fake it.
Riyya will immediately brand it
If it isn't for real
Envy, anger and annoyance
Escorts one's witness of its dance.
It matters not, rich or poor
If it's in you, it'll manifest
In subtle words or actions
And pride cleansed of it.
Some are rich, but not wealthy
For wealth measures not
In physical things, but within
Showing outward in acts of gentle kindness.
It's a spirit
That takes over self in true empathy
Freeing a disturbed mind seeking solace
Which comes not in covetousness.
Like a caged bird
Once unshackled comes flight
Now ask thyself "Who gives more here
The giver or the given of freedom?"
Kwandalights, Trustees of Compassion
Distributing it to rightful owners
Unless you give that trust
Sympathy and relief takes forever arriving.
Just like Custodians of Grace
Distressed souls rejoice your coming
As the relief promised the bereaved
After every hardship. Indeed.
Who wouldn't want to be a catalyst
To the fruition of happiness
With smiles as its flowers, fragrancing
And laughter its contagious reward?
(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
The Kwandala Spirit
What'll explain to thee this Spirit?
It's a gift of priceless value
That starts with the act of giving.
Humbling of hearts
It breathes give
Lives on give
And dies giving.
The Kwandala Spirit
Is a selfless, uncanny ability
Bestowed from on high
To a chosen few.
So, if you have it
You have it.
If you don't
You can't fake it.
Riyya will immediately brand it
If it isn't for real
Envy, anger and annoyance
Escorts one's witness of its dance.
It matters not, rich or poor
If it's in you, it'll manifest
In subtle words or actions
And pride cleansed of it.
Some are rich, but not wealthy
For wealth measures not
In physical things, but within
Showing outward in acts of gentle kindness.
It's a spirit
That takes over self in true empathy
Freeing a disturbed mind seeking solace
Which comes not in covetousness.
Like a caged bird
Once unshackled comes flight
Now ask thyself "Who gives more here
The giver or the given of freedom?"
Kwandalights, Trustees of Compassion
Distributing it to rightful owners
Unless you give that trust
Sympathy and relief takes forever arriving.
Just like Custodians of Grace
Distressed souls rejoice your coming
As the relief promised the bereaved
After every hardship. Indeed.
Who wouldn't want to be a catalyst
To the fruition of happiness
With smiles as its flowers, fragrancing
And laughter its contagious reward?
(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
MTN 21 DAYS OF Y'ELLO CARE 2019 (In Pix)
And where were we today? Well, @Maria Tijjani Girls Science Secondary School, Abdullahi Bayero Road Kano for the commencement of the annual MTN 21 Days of Y'ello Care 2019.
An event which sees Staff of the GSM telecom giant give back to host communities across 22 countries worldwide as a humanitarian gesture of appreciation for their support and patronage over the years.
A kind of "Thank You" for being there for communication company. Because without you, the customers of MTN, there will be no us, the Network.
SWS.Comms, Kano was part of the entourage and along with the kind hearted MTN Staff we delivered some digital workshop, inspiring and motivational talks to the budding young female scientists.
First day is kick off day today, the activities are slated to last till the 21st June, 2019.
There will be a walk along some major streets of Kano's CBD as well as another visitation to a boys post primary school (Government Technical College) along State Road, Kano to eventually wrap things up.
Before then do enjoy some of the pix we hereby share with you.
Remember, #MTN_21_Days_of_Yello_Care_2019
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