Wednesday, February 12, 2025


I discovered that a long time ago wAllahi. That winning 1st Position in class is nothing special. How did I find that out? Well, while in Primary 4 promotional exams, 2 of my subject results were mistakely omitted from my Report Card by our teacher. So I ended up at the 5th position overall. I cried foul and filed a complain. The papers were checked and it was discovered I was truly on top of the class. So the guys positioned 1st - 4th were to each be moved off those positions down to accommodate my worthy 1st position. Then it occurred to me, why bother? What would it change, after all I've not failed and everybody knew I topped the class. Besides those not in our class knew nothing about the miscarriage. Why strip my classmates of the joy of their then celebrated positions. Kawai sai na ce a bar shi ba komai. Everybody was pleased with my decision, I inclusive. Since then it never mattered to me who's 1st, 2nd, 3rd or whatever. All i cared about is not failing. And it sufficed, becoming one of my cardinal guiding principles in life. So now I don't care who's where or doing what. I'm often contented with where I am and doing what I am doing. Whoever is doing whatever, his or her luck. Just let me do my own thing. I'm not competing with nobody wAllahi. And life has been very fulfilling for me. Ma sha Allah. Alhamdulillah. I often tell myself that all i wish for from Allaah SWT is finding myself among the list of those who made it to Jannah. Whether it's Adn, Firdous, Na'im, Ma'awa etc it doesn't really matter. So long as it's not Jahannam, I'm good, happy and pleased with my Lord, knowing He has gifted me the ultimate of successes. To same with hayatad dunya. Ni dai kawai kar in yi failing. No failure please. That's all.

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