Saturday, February 15, 2025

INCOMPLETE UNIVERSE - Poetry Poetic Tee "Here take a sip." Why does it always, always makes me sad, makes my eyes go moist. Bringing tears to my ken, as my heart dip in reflection, making me realize how time, has flown by. Taking us with it, helplessly, like pieces of twigs, in a turbulence, a flooding river, emptying us, throu delta fingers, into a sea, further into an ocean. I don't even know which wAllaah. Yet, I know within my conscience, it's neither the Atlantic nor Pacific. Can't be! For our earth swims in it. Like a tiny speck of dust in another. Still in another bigger, vaster speck. All of them specks, upon specks, still upon a trillion other specks much more spectacular. Which makes me wonder, yes ponder, how small am I? Really! How much smaller still, in the vastness of the blackness, of this infinite, eternal space? Yes, I might be that nobody, that irrelevant, insignificant invisible atom. But surely, I am he unique, without which the universe will be incomplete? One of the many, off the periodic table, that bonds into a molecule, a compound, a complex system. That's thereafter gifted a soul, by the blown word "Kun!" And Lo! I become! A being! A human! A believer of The One. Unto Whom there's nothing like. This can't be real, right? O Livers in denial! Or can it? For here I am, floating in the stratosphere, hearing nothing, but listening to the sounds of silence, in absolute pitch darkness. My sight just like my shadow has totally abandoned me. No taste left in my mouth nor can I smell a thing. Numb, numb, numb with cold and voidness. A deja vous of sort. Like I once did in the womb, awaiting a birth and n soon a rebirth. An apocalypse. ©2024 Tijjani M. M. All Rights Reserved

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