Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Nigeria! Busy trying to commit suicide, while others are making all efforts to kill it via international media warfare, physical intimidation, conspiracies, insurgency etc. And now biological warfare through this Ebola Virus!

How can a country's diplomat (Liberia) act so irresponsibly? He had Ebola from handling his sick sister who died. After being confirmed as an infected person, instead of quarantining himself like any sane person of his social status ought to behave to prevent the spread of the deadly disease, he prepared himself and traveled to Nigeria and got admitted to a private hospital. Only to be confirmed with Ebola and treated by one of our striking doctors (striking doctor at work in a private hospital, that's Naija for you) and he deliberately ensured he spread the deadly viruse by contaminating the doctor and nurses that were graciously treated him.

It was reported that he achieved the feat by throwing a fake tantrum and then urinating all over the place and the medical persons before him (or so I read).

Question... Why was he callously allowed back into the country without first ensuring his health status via his yellow card? Couldn't our guys at the airport have quarantined him, even if he was a diplomat? (Diplomat my foot!)

Every other country is treating Nigerians at their airports like sh*t for no other reason except that we are carring a green passport in most cases. But our immigration is so broken of national spirit and pride, that they admit every tom, dick and harry coming into the country without as good as even a proper airport clearance. I find this our attitude appalling and despicable to say the least.

Then the Liberian president or is it "Whoever..." comes forth apologizing to Nigerians after the virus has manifested and started killing Nigerians, sending panic waves across the entire country! Is it apology that will bring back our dead or is it apology that will arrest your Ebola Virus and take it back to your home, Liberia? Mr. Whoever!

I sincerely think this is deliberate on the part of the psycho diplomat Patrick Sawyer or whatever his name was!

Then some stupid person started a hot water-salt bath prank and out of desperation, 2 persons have died and several others are hospitalized from taking excessive salt as preventive measure. I heard that the person who initiated that stupidity has also tendered an apology! So, who else is going to apologize to Nigerians for this monumental calamity just breaking loose?

May be the Americans who find it ok to treat their citizens with the disease serum, while neglecting the rest of mankind to perish. So it's "Live and let die" right? Well, just take note "You save one man, you save the whole of humanity. You kill one man, you kill the whole of humanity!"...

Anyway, this Ebola thing is not going any further than it has ventured here by the grace of God Almighty!

Information is the key! Let's educate and enlighten our people about it y'all!!!

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