Friday, April 12, 2019

BE'ZOMBIES, THE PSYCHOTIC DEAD Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

I, sit here a poet
seething in anger
about an evil pond
choking in Padlock-Doo
worshipped by Be'zombies
psychotic dead, making dead
of the living, while they strive.

That psycho pond in Doo
owe us a vengeance, fully due
for feeding fat on innocent souls
only to fart out loud, yet so proud
thru the mouth of fools in bondage
breathing hate, drinking fresh blood
cannibals, worse than savage animals.

One Doo pond regurgitates
a submerged graveyard, fed off murders
another pond stomachs coveted treasures
yet more are hiding discoveries bound to quake
Blessed water turned lifeless domains by the fruitless
Poor land cries to be saved from denizens of Gulagyang
Soon will come brimstone cleansing from above and below.

A minority with a big minus
inferiority is their city complex
skyscrapers of ignorance, bursting
myopic in thought, of stone age mind
a pathetic faith, dwelling in dark shadows
fooling self, worst crime of insane criminals
steep in devotion of a goddess in sags of sadism.

They walk, they talk, they stalk
think them not as humans, nay!
smile, slaughtered on ugly faces
within each, a fire of hatred burns
for a heart, rages a fierce furnace
chewing away at their very core core
before they arrive home homeless, hellfire.




I read the post and my heart sank. He's flagrantly vilified my reverence.

So I asked myself, "Why is this happening?" Seems hate is the new love in our village, and poured in a speech, as a time ride, the man instantly retrogressed back into the dark ages.

I wanted to follow him there and strip him of his tongue, but realized it's his mind that needs attention. Therefore, rather than reduce myself, I chose to elevate his understanding.

That way I hope to refine his thinking, perhaps the world may be saved via an olive leaf and knowledge.



She sat all alone, hunched on the hard, cold, side walkway of the deserted street, hearing the chilly wind howl away like a stray mongrel missing home and possibly its master.

The situation clearly describes her as tears burst captivity to register her heart's state. She quickly wipes her cheeks, wondering how grace could turn to grass and affluence to homelessness in such a jiffy.

"God, where are you?" her silent question escapes her innermost spirit, in a whisper the fierce wind could not take from her frozen ears. "If you are there, save me... Please."

TRUE BOOK LOVERS NEVER STOP Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

True book lovers never give up...
These real readers never stop...
Not until to mother earth they drop...
Before then with books they'd elope...
Deny them anything, add diamonds on top...
They hunger not gold, silver nor bitcoins crop
Yet their heart, words they'd quickly mop...
When engaged, ask them not "What's up?"...
Or give them food, better offer a tee cup...
Lost in their world, free from hiccup'...
Their brains knowledge they top up...
Theirs' a beautiful mind, dwelling on life's hill top.

(c)2018 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 


…by Poetic Tee “Here, take a sip”

Starts off harmless, grows dangerous
Slithery, slippery, scary and venomous

Bold, confident, mean, lo fearless
Preys, feeds on weak and helpless

Thinks itself untouchable, a demi-god
 Of a sudden, gets squeezed into a pod

As reality dawns on it, see?
Rivers head home to a vast sea

Time runs out, sand in an hour glass
Grace as wings break, a thud on grass.

Soon, a pitiable sight as the sun sets
Darkness envelops a cobra put to rest.

©2007 Tijjani M. M.
All Right Reserved


#FoundPoetry Hamza Ibrahim Baba
(As found by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip")

The pleasures of life are short lived
more often than not
they are followed by sorrow.

Life means responsibility
a journey where change is constant
difficulties are relentless in onslaught.

Can you find a father
a wife or a friend who is free
from problems?

Allah has willed for this world
to be filled with pairs of opposites:
good and evil, righteousness and corruption, happiness and misery.

So my people live according to your reality
without envisioning the ideal life
one that is free from worry and toil.

I greet my people
as we accept life as it is
and as we adapt accordingly to all circumstances.

(c)2014 Hamza Ibrahim Baba/ Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved

Lawan Ahmed's RAIN @ DAWN

#FoundPoem by Poetic Tee...

Awaken by melodious wind whispers
Drumming bangs and booms
Off darken horizon springs light
Sporadic droplets as pearls
Heralding deafening gush
Like an orchestra!

Downpour subsides
Minuscle droplets dancing
To fading rhythm of moment
Fluttery availing its assonance
Ushering serenity after the storm
What adorable magnificence!

Then set sweet, scented breeze
Birds singing to high heavens
Blue sky and greenery
Carnival of colours
New born in mum’s arm
Nature at peace with self!

I look around
Sheer bedazzlement
And to self, I say:
What wondrous Nature’s gift
When it rains at dawn!

(c)2019 Lawan Ahmed
All Rights Reserved 

#LAST_THIS_NEXT - REFLECT Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

We've made it through last year.
But who's certain of making it though this year?
Will surely not make it through next year.

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

VALUE OF A SHROUD Poetict Tee "Here, take a sip"

10 Ramadhan 1435AH

You never know the value of a piece of cloth
Until you find yourself naked to undesired view
And someone assistingly shrouds you with it.
As you gratefully wrap it tightly around you
Nakedness becomes defined
Where its prior meaning was vague to you.

(c) 2014 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved 

BUHARIST: THE DEFINITION Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

I'm a Buharist to the core
Not because he's faultless
Nor because he's blameless
But because he's only human
Not close to perfect, err bound
Yet, that doesn't affect my stand
To proudly identify as his Nigeriana.

I'm a Buharist to the core
Been to the precipice of hell
Cliff hanged on edge of heaven
Saw a red river flowing east to west
Thousands swimming against its tide
As tears tear thru my conscious conscience
Making me believe in the change that changes

I'm a Buharist to the core
I am what I am, not for a fee
Wanting nothing back in return
And my core value?..... Patriotism
I'm unique, special, different, selfless
Educated, informed, enlighten, optimistic
I'm not much in person, but everything in us.

I'm a Buharist to the core
I've chosen to be part of this
O history, put me on this half
His side of the coin, not the flip
I stand to be counted, not a hater
Nor among the looters or wailers
Definitely not my nation's saboteur.

I'm a Buharist to the core
Sacrificer of my beloved lamb
For the greatness of my country
Cast king N afloat, a soaring eagle
Free from the shackles of bondage
From demeaning chains of poverty
Transformation; Frownism to Smilism

I'm a Buharist to the core
Now, some might not like it so
You might even think it unhealthy
You might even hatefully detest it
But that's just the way it is, for me
My nation comes first, I give it m'all
I am what I am, proudly a new Nigerian.

I'm a Buharist.


#FoundPoem by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

90% of poems
Make absolutely no sense
And almost no one
Genuinely enjoys poetry.

It’s all just pretentious people
Writing nonsense
And even more pretentious people
Pretending to understand and enjoy it.

(c)2018 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved 

HEY SHHHH, YOU'RE MY OK Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

I did my part from the start
You were suppose to do your part.

But you followed with a question
Instead of an affirmative action.

Have you forgotten what's "suicide"
Once a while, put precautions aside.

Anyway, matters not where you go
Step by step with you, I'll follow.

Though some shed shyness in total
However, having #alKunya is pivotal.

A lady's defined by some decorum
Even if alone, with you, in the other room.

Try bae, excite thy boo like a prostitute
Men love not a passionless destitute.

Asked? I often would answer "I'm ok."
Not realizing, it's because of your stay.

Some discover only too late
Being ok is domiciled with their ex-mate.

Not me. Hope not you too. Now...
To that heart, kiss it. Humbly take a bow.

(c) 2017 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

Ibrahim Musa's BYE TO POETRY

#FoundPoem by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"


I wanted to
Actively start learning poetry
But reading this take now
I've changed my mind.

No one understands it
No one enjoys it
It is all Greek
Pretentious reactions.

Back to prose lesson 🙈
Bye to poetry...

(c)2018 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved 



Heard the sun's fierce voice
Whisper softly "O sweet moon...
When can we make love?"

(c) 2017 tijjani m. m.


...ta Tijjani Muhammad Musa

Na ji kira
Na zo hira
Daga karkara
E, na shahara
Ni ne na tara
Na dau damara
Wasu na harara
Sun ganni da fara
Ga baqa na qara
Mai yawan fara'a
Gwanar yin awara
'Yar mutan Zamfara
Ga shi kuma nai zarra
Ga kyau a shakwara
Mai kyauta da sutura
Sannan ga ni 'kaura
Mai silke, mai gora
Mai yawan tada qura
Mai kai hari da kora
Sa yaro kuka, karara
Na fito fili, qarara
Abin kamar almara
Tsaya mana Amara
Bari in tara in dora
Na ci nai nak, bari in qara
Amma bari dai in haqura
Tunda mazan, duk sun wara
Sun ga Gwanki, sa su kaffara...

(c)2018 Tijjani M. M.
A kiyaye haqqi mallaka  TAJOJJINI


11No. #Haiku (In Honor of #TheHijabLawyer) Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

Her hijab, her pride
For Allah's love she was barred
Now, a hero's born.

Mbaaa! "Call her to bar
She's not her hair. Please grow up
Appreciate her mind."

She stood for her Lord
Where other weak faiths wobbled
God now Stands for her.

Destined for greatness
Petit, yet monumental
Child of sound imaan.

A clash, unintended
Against tyranny of aye
She wins by defiance.

When they least expect
A she bursts out, of the blues.
Change, inevitable.

Rub that nose in dust
Lady! Vanquish thy Goliath
Its time's come to fall!

No matter how tall
An Iroko tree may stand
A small axe cuts it.

Jealousy eats some
Who bray words of envy
Their souls they levy.

Commander of law
Upholder of human rights
Sistar, Muslimat.

Amasa Firdaus
Her name, she's written in gold
History, take note!

(c)2017 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 


(An Open Letter To Myself)

I woke up early hours
To take stock
My 'borrowed-life'
To ascertain
How far I've come
How much I've achieved
Within my earthly sojourn.

I realized I couldn't be
Where I am today
By any physical effort
Family background
Human connection
Education, qualification
or geographical location
But by God's Grace.

I didn't dance a worthy dance
To impress God, yet I'm alive today.

I didn't bribe to sip my breath
Yet air, God gave me charges free.

I didn't come to God with
complimentary card or note.

I didn't ask God to consider me
a candidate for divine Health.

Nor did I request beforehand
"God protect or provide for me."

I'm neither pure, nor perfect
To attract God's favours
It's by His Mercy
He Blessed me
With a family, lovely
With amazing friends
Like you. I like you.

I'm simply a product
An unmerited grace
Bowing in Thy worship
Honouring the King of Kings
Lord of heaven and earth
I'm forever grateful
Take all the honour
For who I am, all I have
I'm indeed to You

(c) 2017 Maimuna B./Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved

DASKINDARIDI AND THE WANDERER Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

Ever wonder about she, the Wanderer
Who dreams of "The" guy in kaftan
Is he that ordinary man
Or our Amir, the Sultan?
Could he possibly be the one
Tall, handsome, wearing a tan?
Naah, I doubt it. This one's called Dan
Only like an Architect she's got a plan
Until she finds him within a time span
Her heart shuns them after a brief scan
Though many tried, thru her friend Anne
Daskindaridi she seeks, so others get a ban
And on and on and on quests she, the Wanderer.

(c) 2017 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved

24 HOURS NO MORE ENOUGH Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

Why's everyone in a hurry?
Not just everyone, everything!
Even time itself is in a rush.
When was it Friday? When!?
Only for me to blink
Whola! Another's here.
Yet, we celebrate birthdays
Ignoring our death dates.

Just a while back
I trekked miles to school
Now, I drive others there.
A single child to my dad
Fathering more in a lifetime.
Day or night, dusk to dawn
Takes seconds, a mere yawn.
Fresh flowers wilt then wither.

Born Monday, gone before
In same, gain fame, some shame
Seems "Rush in the new slow"
Just smile to a push or a shove
24 hours a day's no more enough
For many desire 30 or even more
Things, happening so fast now
Before you die, the day's over.

(c) 2017 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

WHERE IS SHE NOW? PRAY SAFE Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

I didn't want her to die
I discovered only too late she's left
Gone too soon at noon, of a sad moon

Tidings of her intent, never got to me
Telltale clouds, didn't gather to impress
Only for me to be left, bereft, soul acleft...
*Another sob*

She was to be my yang
Now, all I have, a sinful heart
For I could have stopped her exit. If only...
*Yet, another painful sob*

I even brought her back to life
Via my poetry, she breathed once again
Only briefly, she did. But soon blew swift wind...
*Trickles of sobs flow*

"I'm sorry" softly she whispered
Tears raining within, water her eyes in a flood
Washing away her footsteps ahead to eternity... O Sadness!
*Torrents of sobs, pooling*

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

BULAMAN MAINOK Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

When Boko Haram struck home
Devastating everything to blight
Planting death, even destruction
As inheritors of their ailing legacy
He stood his grounds, a survivor.

Mainokians scattered like seeds
In all direction the wind sneezed
Abandoning all, but dear breath
Deserted was dessert in a desert
Still breathing though, the looner.

Alone yet not lonely, even if looney
He reads despite it being forbidden
By man, who chooses to defy the Know
Since the Supreme "Read!" supersedes all
Who's he, unafraid of death and its agents?
Ghost town ruler. Its Bulama for sure.

Holding on to the ruh of the village
He sat atop his throne, imagined
Never letting go to terror or horror
Vanquisher of fears, unperturbed
Some attributed to him, madness.

Yet he survived them Boko hits
Keeping alive life for each owner
Returning it to the ghost town itself
Now, things are back to normal
All thanks to the Bulama of Mainok.

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

MIND YOUR PROGRESS Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

If only
people would mind their business
they'll make so much progress in life
Unfortunately, most simply don't.

they pay attention on others' affairs
dwelling for aye on end, on them
wasting precious or not so, time.

By the time
they tire of the engagement
dropping it for yet another
their own interests suffer gross neglect.

Basic reason
why many don't make progress
why their lot is a celebration of lack
why their today robs them of a better next.

Should they ask themselves
what gains are made, carrying such burdens
like a books laden donkey, standing
none is the vain Indulgence's cost.

Think they, a waste of our time
what irony! What foolhardy!
so, eavesdropping is no waste
yet self-appraisal is? What holy!

Of reasoning faculty man employs
which one does he the more enjoys
intuition, speculation or aberration? "asara, sarar iska." Loss is the benefit, incurred.

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved

WALKING TO BLISS (WHERE I CAME FROM) Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

My quest started way, way back
Some won't believe it, in heaven
Later on earth, my struggle began.

Born free, black, male, Muslim
Didn't know it was such a big deal
Till I ran a races race called racism.

I won no medal in it, so moved on
But soon got faced with a faith war
In which was suppose to be "No compulsion!"

Yet in it, millions got wasted
If only man will accept his differences
Build bridges and several accommodations.

To succeed, knowledge was key
So I sought it, using the word "Read!"
Met many, well read, but lacking in wisdom.

Ashe that doesn't come automatically
One has to be able to walk on water
Survive earth, wind and fire before it registers.

Aha! I discovered love accidentally
Fell into it, lying flat on my back
Got hurt so bad, I'm still healing.

Soon my earth walk took me further
Met a leader of men who inspired
Followed him to eternity, learned all the much.

Choices are offered at every stage
I often made some good, a few bad ones
Who's free of errors and still remains human?

Eventually I met a people playing
Pitching the devil against the deep blue sea
Losing either way, it was such a waste.

But what baffled me the most?
Hate of man for fellow man! So, so turgid
Just to feed refined greed for vain vanity.

It's happening all over the place, even now!
Getting so bad, one wonders why?
Man progresses, only into deep retrogression.

They often call me to feed with them
However my hunger isn't for any of that
I only want to get back home, intact.

Only then will be a winner among winners
Not a loser among utter losers
Then will I rest my sour feet in tranquility spring.

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved 

HATE SPEECH CATALYSTAa Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"

Somebody told me
just after knowing you.

That I shouldn't befriend you
can you imagine, barely 24 hours on?

That you're nothing
but a stupid attention seeker.

That you are fake
a frustrated psychotic case.

That you are a "situation"
senseless, hopeless, useless.

That you are a lost ship, radarless
abandoned, abundantly aimless.

That you are touched by the Devil
a bastard, illegitimate, off wedlock.

That you are rootless
cardinal-less, of no specific origin.

That you are faithless, godless
with a mind messed up by drugs.

That you are a waste of time
energy, emotions. Ambition-less.

Clearly, this is purified hate speech
dedicated to tarnish, cause detest.

I asked myself
"Why 'd one wanna do that?

What on earth could be the gains?
from concocted, cooked up, brewed lies?

Let loose the treacherous snake
just to take a fellow human down?"

Fortunately, all these are fragrances
my heart sniffed, my soul fed upon.

For I find me falling in love
more than I've ever before, with you.

How I wish you could be worse
So my heart could adore you more.

(c)2019 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved