![Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.](https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-0/s526x395/11039275_1081031425240191_2468702290997787653_n.jpg?oh=e68c438930eb6a602a14fe93cf6801bd&oe=57170CDB&__gda__=1461546455_4c9bfca76454fde1b0facc10de942a97)
Decibels a muse excites
Eyes see, the ears not dare.
Mine woke night mid
Insisting we inscribe inspirati.
Sounds, so loud
Most mortals cannot hear.
So much about its speed
What's the sound of light?
Spectruming dark matter
Its blinding brightness blotted.
I hear the blinking whispers
Each time my eyelids kiss�.
Tell me you hear your might
Listen raptly, surely it's there.
The mind recites His Verses
In whispered truthful silence.
Doubt not thyself about them
Diaphragms vibrate in vacuums.
Ever wonder what says
Invisible Sparmaa to Eugineaa?
Two destinies, destined to meet
After a hard, long flagellic trip?
To each solar, lunar eclipse
Man gawk on earth, in awe.
Missing pure ecstatic moans
The twain celestial lovers spare.
Sounds, so, so loud
Only visions can bear.
Drums lack rhythms to pronounce
As we witness weakness with wonders.
(c)2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
Insisting we inscribe inspirati.
Sounds, so loud
Most mortals cannot hear.
So much about its speed
What's the sound of light?
Spectruming dark matter
Its blinding brightness blotted.
I hear the blinking whispers
Each time my eyelids kiss�.
Tell me you hear your might
Listen raptly, surely it's there.
The mind recites His Verses
In whispered truthful silence.
Doubt not thyself about them
Diaphragms vibrate in vacuums.
Ever wonder what says
Invisible Sparmaa to Eugineaa?
Two destinies, destined to meet
After a hard, long flagellic trip?
To each solar, lunar eclipse
Man gawk on earth, in awe.
Missing pure ecstatic moans
The twain celestial lovers spare.
Sounds, so, so loud
Only visions can bear.
Drums lack rhythms to pronounce
As we witness weakness with wonders.
(c)2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
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