![Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.](https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11235045_985669294776405_5029560631148780327_n.jpg?oh=4b3f699f2b47bba56b7f8adbea11cac8&oe=56022D16)
I took it for granted you’ll always be there
Like I did aforetime another’ll wait for me
Only for a call to ring through and I answer
A strange voice showered me the bad news
That you’ve left earlier, much too soon than I
How could I bring the hated so close upon you
How can I imagine I’d never behold you again
Your voice said it all, clearly in your final ring
But not wanting the hint, I slapped it senseless
“How dare you even remotely suggest that!”
Tried much as I can to remember the last time
I smiled in response to your smile, now no mo’
See my soul fills to the brim, pouring melancholy
I feel a cry none can hear, choking me scrawny
As I carry the burden of living life on without you
Go to where eternal rest, charming awaits you
A garden suspended over a crashing waterfall
Filled with butterflies, birds, bards and beauties
Air intoxicating per breath, each cell to stupor
So happiness hugs and makes love to you again.
©2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
How can I imagine I’d never behold you again
Your voice said it all, clearly in your final ring
But not wanting the hint, I slapped it senseless
“How dare you even remotely suggest that!”
Tried much as I can to remember the last time
I smiled in response to your smile, now no mo’
See my soul fills to the brim, pouring melancholy
I feel a cry none can hear, choking me scrawny
As I carry the burden of living life on without you
Go to where eternal rest, charming awaits you
A garden suspended over a crashing waterfall
Filled with butterflies, birds, bards and beauties
Air intoxicating per breath, each cell to stupor
So happiness hugs and makes love to you again.
©2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
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