![Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.](https://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-c.ak/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/q86/p235x350/10404407_981262018550466_8187710368361750966_n.jpg?oh=aaf5ae66e2a41adbe39e33ecc0c8ebb5&oe=55FD6446&__gda__=1443290944_dafe249e8a1ad2e00c3ea8b173ec551d)
I sense it all first, feeling it next
Only to hear it's sound, strange
Behold it manifests, shimmering
Musk, smells its priced perfumery
Touching to imagine its source of origin.
I listen to music of silence
So quiet, the rhythmic flow
Reminds of a rippled still pond
Breathing life as it kisses the air
In outward, dissipating soft waves.
I watch the motion of darkness
Lightless, yet clearly one can see
Blackness shrouds all functions within
Meanings most meaningful in invisibility
For only skin, exposed baths in 7 spectrum.
I smell scents of a thought
Ushering tiding of rain of pains
Humbling pride in twain, arrogance
Driving deep into the ocean of our lies
Yet in its sunshine most chose to bask.
I feel a feeling filling my field full
Joy jumps gently, as sadness wails
Numbing cold, sweating the soul sick
In flight, a speed flimsing light's, ordain
Calm, composure, comforting my dream.
I taste death once, before here
Bitter than bile of hate afloat, athroat
A poison, delicious for imbibers of sniffs
Charring heaven's mouth to earth's anus
Giving I respite before the swallow, terminal.
(c) 2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
So quiet, the rhythmic flow
Reminds of a rippled still pond
Breathing life as it kisses the air
In outward, dissipating soft waves.
I watch the motion of darkness
Lightless, yet clearly one can see
Blackness shrouds all functions within
Meanings most meaningful in invisibility
For only skin, exposed baths in 7 spectrum.
I smell scents of a thought
Ushering tiding of rain of pains
Humbling pride in twain, arrogance
Driving deep into the ocean of our lies
Yet in its sunshine most chose to bask.
I feel a feeling filling my field full
Joy jumps gently, as sadness wails
Numbing cold, sweating the soul sick
In flight, a speed flimsing light's, ordain
Calm, composure, comforting my dream.
I taste death once, before here
Bitter than bile of hate afloat, athroat
A poison, delicious for imbibers of sniffs
Charring heaven's mouth to earth's anus
Giving I respite before the swallow, terminal.
(c) 2015 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
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