![Fatima Sanda Kaita's photo.](https://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-g.ak/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10639683_10153371633728018_4368660028127027965_n.jpg?oh=eb55dfdf408c87ad3c413ca0d41f7a37&oe=54F625DE&__gda__=1422279530_71bdd5da8747daf20e63392c1107a074)
A Brief About Him...
Ali Al'amin Mazrui (February 24, 1933 - October 13, 2014) was an academic, professor, and political writer on African and Islamic studies and North-South relations. He was born in Mombasa, Kenya. He was an Albert Schweitzer Professor in the Humanities and the Director of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York.
ALI MAZRUI passed away at about 8.30 pm (3.30 am) last night at the US. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Ameen
He featured in [Motherland (film)]] 2009, directed by Owen Alik Shahadah which features key academics from around the continent of Africa. Ali Mazrui in Motherland film.
Main African Consultant and on-screen respondent, Programme on "A History Denied" in the television series on Lost Civilizations (NBC and Time-Life, 1996), U.S.A.
Author of "The Bondage of Boundaries: Towards Redefining Africa", article in the 150th anniversary issue of The Economist (London) (September) Vol. 328, No. 7828, 1993.
Author and Narrator, "The Africans: A Triple Heritage", BBC and PBS television series in cooperation with Nigerian Television Authority, 1986, funded by the Annenberg/CPB Project.
Author and Broadcaster, "The African Condition", BBC Reith Radio Lectures, 1979, with book of the same title (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980)
Advisor to the award-winning, PBS-broadcast documentary Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet (2002), produced by Unity Productions Foundation.
Mazrui was a regular contributor to newspapers in Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa, most notably The Nation (Nairobi), The Standard (Nairobi), The Monitor (Kampala), and The City Press (Johannesburg).
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