...by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"
I'll surely taste of
But I will never die
It is not my killer
Nor will it kill me
It's not that heartless
But just serving me a summon.
...by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"
I'll surely taste of
But I will never die
It is not my killer
Nor will it kill me
It's not that heartless
But just serving me a summon.
It is
But a stargate
Through which
I'll pass
To life infinitum
For I'm immortal
So, will never die.
I'm not physical
But a soul blown of Spirit
With an appointment
I must keep
Nor can I fail to
Even if I want to
And I don't want to.
So, preparing I am
For my countdown
When I'll vacate
This world
In my earth
My body.
To move
Mysteriously on
To another realm
To live
Till eternity
In hope
In bliss.
So too my personae
In my words
And my deeds
Here on earth
Will live on
Till its own forever
Is marked "Attained".
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved](https://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-e.ak/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10392520_889011701108832_4386929509919358041_n.jpg?oh=59cff85d1ba1091c2de7cd2f399d6966&oe=550A64FF&__gda__=1427048822_6ceeb5b536cb2c485cfef185e06a6773)
I'll surely taste of
But I will never die
It is not my killer
Nor will it kill me
It's not that heartless
But just serving me a summon.
It is
But a stargate
Through which
I'll pass
To life infinitum
For I'm immortal
So, will never die.
I'm not physical
But a soul blown of Spirit
With an appointment
I must keep
Nor can I fail to
Even if I want to
And I don't want to.
So, preparing I am
For my countdown
When I'll vacate
This world
In my earth
My body.
To move
Mysteriously on
To another realm
To live
Till eternity
In hope
In bliss.
So too my personae
In my words
And my deeds
Here on earth
Will live on
Till its own forever
Is marked "Attained".
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
But a stargate
Through which
I'll pass
To life infinitum
For I'm immortal
So, will never die.
I'm not physical
But a soul blown of Spirit
With an appointment
I must keep
Nor can I fail to
Even if I want to
And I don't want to.
So, preparing I am
For my countdown
When I'll vacate
This world
In my earth
My body.
To move
Mysteriously on
To another realm
To live
Till eternity
In hope
In bliss.
So too my personae
In my words
And my deeds
Here on earth
Will live on
Till its own forever
Is marked "Attained".
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
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