...by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip"
What calamity, what absurdity
How can it be so terribly denying
How am I suppose to survive this
This might as well, equally kill me too.
Can you imagine this wickedness?
Placing a ban, a mean embargo
Upon my favorite of meals, me cousin.
Nay, call me not a cannibal please.
So what if he has five fingers each
Two eyes, two ears and one nose
Yes, we do look alike, so what?
He's delicious to taste when cooked.
Not only that, I am also to keep off
The night flyer, right? Gosh, you are
Surely after my carcass! To do what with?
Grilled or fried, my mouth's salivating already.
Look, look, they are both deliciously safe
Lies, just lies that they harbor a virus
Propaganda to deny hunters their livelihood
And me, my most sought after delicacies.
Ebola this, ebola that! How many deaths in
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Senegal?
Now in America, Belgium, Spain, Germany
Do they consume monkeys and bats too?
A neighbor was touched with witchcraft
She hates bushmeat that I know for sure
Yet, they say she has Ebola virus. How?
She vomits blood in quantum sputum.
I, Akagadogunkudiata consume baboon
For lunch and dinner, sweet biomboli bats
For breakfast, grass-cutter in between
Ebola, for tainting my meals with death! I hate you!
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved](https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/q81/s526x395/10698610_882807825062553_9112568118198991752_n.jpg?oh=39eac3c16e376c6fe043feb667ad554d&oe=54DE4B83)
What calamity, what absurdity
How can it be so terribly denying
How am I suppose to survive this
This might as well, equally kill me too.
Can you imagine this wickedness?
Placing a ban, a mean embargo
Upon my favorite of meals, me cousin
Nay, call me not a cannibal please.
So what if he has five fingers each
Two eyes, two ears and one nose
Yes, we do look alike, so what?
He's delicious to taste when cooked.
Not only that, I am also to keep off
The night flyer, right? Gosh, you are
Surely after my carcass! To do what with?
Grilled or fried, my mouth's salivating already.
Look, look, they are both deliciously safe
Lies, just lies that they harbor a virus
Propaganda to deny hunters their livelihood
And me, my most sought after delicacies.
Ebola this, ebola that! How many deaths in
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Senegal?
Now in America, Belgium, Spain, Germany
Do they consume monkeys and bats too?
A neighbor was touched with witchcraft
She hates bushmeat that I know for sure
Yet, they say she has Ebola virus. How?
She vomits blood in quantum sputum.
I, Akagadogunkudiata consume baboon
For lunch and dinner, sweet biomboli bats
For breakfast, grass-cutter in between
Ebola, for tainting my meals with death! I hate you!
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
Placing a ban, a mean embargo
Upon my favorite of meals, me cousin
Nay, call me not a cannibal please.
So what if he has five fingers each
Two eyes, two ears and one nose
Yes, we do look alike, so what?
He's delicious to taste when cooked.
Not only that, I am also to keep off
The night flyer, right? Gosh, you are
Surely after my carcass! To do what with?
Grilled or fried, my mouth's salivating already.
Look, look, they are both deliciously safe
Lies, just lies that they harbor a virus
Propaganda to deny hunters their livelihood
And me, my most sought after delicacies.
Ebola this, ebola that! How many deaths in
Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Senegal?
Now in America, Belgium, Spain, Germany
Do they consume monkeys and bats too?
A neighbor was touched with witchcraft
She hates bushmeat that I know for sure
Yet, they say she has Ebola virus. How?
She vomits blood in quantum sputum.
I, Akagadogunkudiata consume baboon
For lunch and dinner, sweet biomboli bats
For breakfast, grass-cutter in between
Ebola, for tainting my meals with death! I hate you!
(c)2014 Tijjani M. M.
All Rights Reserved
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