Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Free Birdie": THE PHENOMENON (poetry)

.... by Poetic Tee "Here, take a sip" 

What is it?
Is it a bird, is it a plane?
Or may be a cloud?
It can't be a "bat"
Not in full flight, in broad daylight
It's visible or seems to be, right?

Now, that's what this's all about!
Touch it, feel it, pass through it
You can, ask those who know
It shape-shifts
Physically abstract
It's there, yet it isn't.
Are you sure?
Be sure, if you can... :)

Imposing indeed
And fully spread
Now, you see that
It forms for a moment
For a purpose
Executes it, then "Whooosh!"
It disappears.

See, may be. Hear, silence
For only those
Within the vicinity
Bear witness to its manifestation
And even capture its appearance
For all to see.

Now, that isn't a bird
But a "free birdie" phenomenon.
Just imagine a hunter's folly
Laying a trap to catch that
Or waiting for it to perch
At night to catch it.
Will he ever succeed?

Lack of appropriate word
To describe the phenomena
Makes the word "birdie"
Come into play.
Only such a means
Can remotely convey
The amazing mystery
The "free birdie" phenomenon is...

(c)(r)2014 Tijjani M. M.
all rights reserved

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