Sunday, November 22, 2015


Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.Islam's Position On Terrorism...

...By Tijjani Muhammad Musa

Looking carefully at the common denominator in all these, it is the soul of humanity that is being terrorized, slowing dying, being killed by humans. We must realize that no soul is more sacred or more precious than another in all these unwarranted, unwanted deaths.
Ask me not to be hypocritical for your sake. I do my things, my way. If I do not share in on a stunt, I stay off it. And if I do, I can be fully expressive about it. So Facebook, call not upon me to identify with Paris alone, but ask me to identify with all terrorist victims the world over.

My senses are deadened from all the violence that has bedeviled the world. My feelings were killed a little bit more by the news of the recent Paris attacks, but so was it equally devastated by many other terrorist attacks across the world. This has got to stop please!

For me, it is all the same, be it the killing of a poor child in Iraq, a woman in Gaza, an innocent girl student in Palestine, a school shooting in US, another strike on worshipers in a Pakistani mosque, killing of tourists in Algeria, a bomb blast in Kenya, a genocidal annihilation of a whole village in Northeast Nigeria, a xenophobic rampage in South Africa and now, a destructive attack on citizens in France.

So nobody should make it look like some lives are free to be destroyed and so should not be mourned, while others are to be painfully lamented over for their demise. Know you not that there is only single soul in mankind.

For, what whosoever is perpetrating and perpetuating these evil acts of terrorizing and killing other souls do not seem to realize is, death is inevitable. Even if they do not turn themselves into random, sporadic catalysts, these innocent lives would still be dead sooner or later.

Question I keep asking myself is, "Why would someone smear his or her hands with blood of the innocent? Why, why, why?"

(c) Tijjani M. M.
All Rughts Reserved

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