![Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10953385_1063878263622174_1665842798345984829_n.jpg?oh=b15b38eb0e4ba3c6d4b2c0ce00191d2e&oe=56AE664D&__gda__=1458394994_e42813e2b2eab0383118adc51613f1e2)
He said with the way they treated him during the 2015 Elections Campaign, once he emerged as President of Nigeria, he'd have sacked the management, sparing none among them and then sue them for damages in a competent court of law for the defamatory misadventure they indulge against his political image and personality.
Even if he'll be labelled as unforgiving and an anti-press president. He was of the belief that such a move would deter any over-zealous, over-confident, over-ambitious media persons as well as prevent a re-occurrence against another underdog in the future.
As for what he'd do to AIT and its Raymond Dokpesi, hmmm I reserve my comment kawai... :D
Let lessons be learnt from all these, O you, watch dog of the society.
All I said to him was "If only wishes were horses..."
![Tijjani Muhammad Musa's photo.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12108791_1063878260288841_6182993612814103089_n.jpg?oh=32d31a232e5a10a055dc35f3ae095835&oe=56F0BBCE&__gda__=1458714822_9145cf8e321ff91caf1ab39fb7523487)
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